Part 20

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"Big bro!"

"I'm busy."

"Why have you and y/n-née-chin been sad lately." Emma asked, her honey colored eyes looking at shin. He sighed and set the wrench down.

"It's alright Emma. where okay sweet girl." 

The girl smiled and hugged her brother. 

"Good, I hate to see my big brother and his girlfriend upset."

Shinichiro smiled softly once more earning a huge grin from Emma before she ran off again. 

You laid in your bed, in your dorm room staring at the ceiling. you laid a hand on your stomach and closed your eyes. 

"There always be another chance..."

"Another chance for what?"

you shot your eyes open and sat up immediately, Koiyo raised a brow. 

"What about another chance?" 

"nothing just talking to myself. I guess I got lost in my thoughts." you lied, fixing your posture then running your hand through your hir and sighed. 

"You need to rest-"

"No, I just need space."

"Y/n, Come on you've always been this way. just rest you need it I see those eye bags you too have been getting a bit thinner. Sano would be sad." 

You shrugged standing up smiling sweetly at Koiyo

"Thank you for caring but, i'm grieving a loss that I truthfully didn't know I want with shin yet."

One more I love you.... Shinichiro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now