Chapter 2

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"Hello?" You said knocking on a door,  it was takeomi's house. "Sup." He smirked as he opened the door. "...." passing him and then your eyes saw sano sitting on the couch. "Plus my name is y/n if you forgot." You said, "I know your name.." He shouted. "Quite down takeomi." 

"Oi! I don't  have to listen to you shin." He muttered, sano chuckled "hi l/n." Sano said you froze and looked at the boy. "Hi, sano-kun." You said back. "Oh my, y/n-San your all cut up." Miss Akashi said. "No no it's alright I'm fine grandma." You said. She looked at you and sighed "okay dearie, but tell me if you need anything." She said you nodded "yes ma'am." You said. 

"So what are you doing here?" Takeomi asked "because I was bored and I have nothing else to do."  

Shin looked away to cool his face. Takeomi laughed "your blushing dude!" He chuckled. You stood their so confused "I'm sorry. He's weak to girls he's been rejected 20 times." He chuckled once more. Sano gets up and smacks takeomis head. "Shut up you bastard." He says "ouch! That hurt. But your still weaker than your 6 years old brother!" He chuckled once more this time Almost dying in laughter. "What's funny? Does it matter he was rejected 20 times? Does it matter he's weaker than his 6 year old brother?" You said raising a brow crossing your arms. 

Sano looked at you amazed he's never heard you speak that much and again he's only known you not even 2 days. "Huh? It's his little brother! And he's small really small." Takeomi exclaimed. "It really doesn't matter." You said. "She's right akashi." Sano agreed.  

"I need to get home," you said getting up. "Cya later" He yelled, you then turned your head and your blank face faced the ground.  "Cya.."

Softly running up to your room, making sure to not wake your parents. You snook out to have a breather. You made it to your room then when you thought they didn't hear you your mother stormed into your room and started yelling and screaming at you. Oh boy was she angry "YOU WHERE SUPPOSED TOBE IN BED! DID YOU EVEN STUDY WHEN WE WHERE GONE FOR ONE WEEK? DID YOU BREAK ALL THE RULES?" She exclaimed pointing at the closed study books and books on your desk. "Yes mother. I'm sorry it won't happen ag- ." But before you could finish a hand slapped your face hard.

"You brat!" He said your mother smirking. Tears brimmed in your eyes. This made your father furious "stop crying! You have no reason too! Your a weak girl who can't keep her grades  up you dumb kid." He exclaimed slapping again harder. The tears dropped down your checks your head leaned back then back up to face him. Furrowing your eye brows. "Your right I am....." he stopped slapping backing away as more tears dripping down your checks. And you passed out.

You woke up on the ground. Sitting up your throat still sore. The tears started again. 'I'm done! I'm so done!' You almost choked out your sobs echoing through the empty house your parents had to go back to work like nothing happened and your here on your bedroom floor sobbing. 

You screamed, now louder echoing more through the house. "I'm so done! I can't do this anymore," you cried as you got up and your vision was blurry with tears,

Knocking on the door, you limped your way and opened it. Whipping the tears on your checks. "L/n!" He said seeing your state, "go away." You said stepping back. But he came inside taking off his shoes. "No, I'm sorry but your not okay." He said then stepping away and blushing realizing what he was doing. "Stop pretending you care." You said looking away. 

Sano sighed and looked at you still tryna control himself mentally. "Y/n. You look terrible you've been crying and your all beat up." He said, your eyes widened he noticed one person noticed....... Shinichiro made sure you ate that night and got proper rest. You fought him mentally but, he got you to listen. You both where kinda you weren't sure and you sure  didn't want to suspect it or anything.

One more I love you.... Shinichiro x readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum