Part 4

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                                                                                      Summer 2004

You where standing on the edge of the roof or your buisness, you were tired...and still grieving his wanted to finally be at peace again you've always wanted to end it. But when he entered slowly faded away more you where with him. Until august 14th 2003. It's been exactly a year since his death...and here you are about to take your  life. 

As you took a deep breath and let it out. You jumped, when you where about to hit the ground someone caught you, and the next thing you knew you where 6 years in the past back to 1998.

     Date: October 1st, 1998

'W-what...I'm six years  in the past.' You thought as you noticed you where holding your graduation kimono from six years ago. "Congratulations y/n-chan!" Nina cheered as she gave you a hug around your shoulders and squeezed you. Confused you patted her back. "You too. And thanks." You said, "yep! Well I'll see you soon! Me and my boyfriend are going out to dinner to celebrate!" She said and then she hooked around her boyfriends arm and they ran off.

Looking at your uncle who came to support you he waved to you and you went to him. "I can't believe my oldest niece is graduating." He said as he ruffled your hair and grinned. "Yeah." "Let's go get some dinner, yeah?" You nodded and went to his car. "What would you like." He asked as you'd rove through the busy streets of shibuya. "Maybe some ramen....haven't had that in awhile." You said, as you took off your hair pin. "Sounds good!" He answered 

You moved to Tokyo,  Your uncle was a drinker but, he hadn't drank in a while which made you kinda glad.  Uncle taro was better than your parents he actually cared and he didn't just care about your grades he just cared for your well being just like shinichiro. 

Going home after eating you looked out the window and at a red light a certain black haired male caught your eye... seeing him made your eyes water a bit he was on his bike and he looked at you. He gave you a closed eyes smile and waved then you went back on your way when the light turned green. 

Uncle taro glanced at you and panicked "y-y/n! Your crying!? What's wrong?" He asked worriedly. Honestly you didn't notice you were crying... you quickly wiped the tears and looked at him "I'm alright. Sorry I guess I'm a bit sad...I miss someone." You said as you looked at the motorcycle and guy who just turned watching it get smaller... "I miss him a lot..." you said as you clenched your fists and tears fell on your thighs.

Taro didn't know what to do but, he stayed cal, and his gaze softened "you'll find him soon." He said, "he has to come and find me...." You said remembering the deal you both made. That he would come find you after you graduated. "I see, I hope he finds you." He said and you smiled at him which surprised him "thank you." You said and he nodded and started driving again. 'Shin, if  this is a second chance then I'll save you! I'll save you I promise.' You thought as you gritted your teeth.

Getting out of the car you swear you saw him wave to you but, when you waved back he seemed to have disappeared back into the distance.... You missed shinichiro sano a being able to have a second chance! Maybe able to save him or better taking your life so he can be happy instead.

Weeks passed and no sign of was about to start up soon for collage you had to go back to your parents place which was a nightmare.  

"Stop! Yelling at me young lady! You better be glad we even let you back into our house." Your father said, smacking your face . He was mad you mad him off by just going to your room showing your face, and saying two words thank you and you get beat? What the heck. "Stop! I didn't do anything father! Please stop." You said, as you shielded your head from his fists now banging on your arms. 

Then, when you where preparing for another hit it didn't come so you uncovered your face and you looked at him. His eyes where wide and blood was spilling from his head. Your eyes widened in horror as he fell Revealing your mother she dropped the knife and landed on top of you.

After your Mother had calmed down she got off of you and went to her room and smoked and drunk the rest of the night while you hurried your father and cleaned up the blood.  You where sobbing but quietly. 

Running down the stairs your mother was still passed out on the couch the whole house smelled like cigarettes and she smelled like alcohol.  You put on your shoes and walked out of the house, sighing you walked to god who knows where, it was like 1pm and you where still walking you didn't stop but you stopped to see shinichiro standing near a tree. Your eyes widened as he looked at you and waved. 

You ran straight towards the boy and hugged him "shinichiro!" you cried, you couldn't contain your tears and you hugged him  and cried into his chest "your here! Your really here! You found me I'm all yours," you cried as your hug only tightened around him. He stood their froze of your action but, he wrapped his arms alright you. "Yes, I'm here as I told you I would come find you after you graduated." He said.p he noticed your thin clothing and it was freezing because it was mid November.

 His warmth almost overwhelming you just clashed with hi, and he made you almost sweat 'shin...I've missed you. That one year without you was dreadful.' You thought "I'll go out with you now," you said as you let go and he grabbed your hands, with a smile he smiled brighter. 

"After 3 years you missed me that much huh?" He said. "And you didn't even like me that much." He chuckled and you hit his arm "oh shut up I have my reasons you idiot." You both laughed.  You both talked well mainly him for what felt like hours as you stopped at a park and sat down catching up. 

One more I love you.... Shinichiro x readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz