Physical Exams pt 2

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"He must be having a great daydream." Hunny exclaims as the group bar Haruhi and Chrysanthe sees Tamaki sitting in a lovesick daze.

"He's kinda creeping me out…" Hikaru says as both he and Hunny continues to watch Tamaki looking like an idiot.

Tamaki then snaps out of his daydream and furrows his eyebrows at the two of them.

"Envious, Hikaru?" Tamaki asks him. "This is all part of my strategy. While you boys take time, blinded by your jealousy, I've foreseen the outcome of this charade!" Tamaki sighs.

He gestures to the room. "This anime's obviously a romantic, school comedy; Haruhi and I are the main characters! So that means we are love interests." He tells them as he makes one of his "princely" poses.

"Wait, what about Chrys-chan?" Hunny asked.

"Isn't it obvious? She is meant to be Kyoya’s as I've seen how they gaze at each other while the other isn't looking." Tamaki smiled as Kyoya paused for a bit only to resume writing.

"Yeah? Then what are we?" The twins ask.

"You boys-" Tamaki points at the five of them. "Are the homosexual supporting cast." He pulls out a stick from nowhere and somehow engraves a straight line onto the room's tiled floor, separating the other four boys from him and Kyoya.

"So please make sure that you don't step across this line." He tells them after he finished making the small line in front of them.

"You've got to be kidding." The twins say as them, Hunny, and Mori all look at the line in wonder, annoyance, and curiosity.

"Hey, listen, boss." Hikaru starts.

"I don't think you get the situation." Kaoru continues.

"If word gets out that Haru-chan is really a girl, then she won't be able to be in the Host Club anymore! And since Chrys-chan is helping her, there's a chance she'll pay the rest of the debt and leave too!" Tamaki, shocked about what Hunny just said, he felt paralyzed when he realized that he won't be able to see Haruhi as much as he does now!

"But, if Haru-chan started wearing girls' clothes, I bet she'd be even cuter than she is now!" Hunny continues.

"She dressed like a girl when she was in middle school, right?" Hikaru asks no on in particular. "She must have been really popular with the boys." He states.

"Yeah. According to my investigative reports, someone would declare their undying love to her at least once a month." Kyoya answers. 

"What about Chrys-chan? Does she have admirers confess to her?" Hunny asked Mori.

"Yeah. Usually 3 times a week. Some from Kendo members a week ago. Never dated though." Mori clarified making Kyoya tense.

"So Kyoya already has enough problems watching guys flirt with Chrysanthe and boss wouldn't even get close to Haruhi." Kaoru says.

"But we'd be able to because we're in class with her all day long!" Hikaru finishes, just as Tamaki cracks and snaps out of 'paralyzation'.

"No way…" He cries.

The door opens and reveals Haruhi peeking into the room.

"Hey, guys! Sorry I'm so late." Tamaki then runs over to her and grips her shoulders and then pulls her face close to his.

"Don't you worry, Haruhi! We're determined to keep your secret; no one will find out that you're really a girl during tomorrow's physical exams! So please promise you'll stay our beloved 'Secret Princess'!" He cries.

Haruhi blinks twice. "Sure."

"You know what? I think both of us would be a little peeved if we had to watch guys flirt with her." Hikaru says to his brother.

"Then that settles it." Kaoru states.

The title, "Operation Conceal Haruhi's Gender" was written on the top of a white board that came out of nowhere, and then another title, "also named: 'Operation I Swear Haruhi Is A Boy!' is underway!" was written below the first one.

"Listen up, squad members!" Tamaki says as he points to the board with a stick, facing the other hosts aside from Haruhi.

"At tomorrow's physical exams, position yourself in Formation A. And then, wait for your orders." He commands. The twins salute him and says, "Yes, Sir!" while Hunny stares in wonder and starts to clap.

Haruhi, staring dumbfounded at the scene in front of her, quickly realized wat is happening.

"I've got it! You guys are worried because if they find out I'm a girl, I can't be a host, and therefore can't repay my debt!
My balance is 5,333,332 Yen." Haruhi muttered.

"Actually it would be 2,666,666 yen since I'm helping with half your debt." Chrysanthe clarified.

"Ah, right. Hmm… Well, guess I'll have to come up with another way to pay you back! Or Chrysanthe can already handle it." She holds her neck from behind with her right hand and starts to laugh in delight with Chrysanthe as Tamaki and the twins sweatdrop

"Do something! The subject doesn't appear to have any motivation!" The twins exclaim to Tamaki in frustration.

Also frustrated, Tamaki yells, "Why'd we get stuck with such a difficult heroine?" to the twins. He then turns to Haruhi.
"Are you saying that you hate being a host? That you hate this club?" He points to her in accusation.

"To be honest, I'd have to say yes." Haruhi replies making Tamaki go into one corner of the room and makes it his current, "Corner of Despair".

"I mean you guys aren't bad, but if it gets out I'm a girl, there's nothing I can do, you know?" She laughs to herself again and Chrysanthe giggles while curious of what the hosts will do.

"She doesn't seem to care one way or the other!" Hikaru exclaims.

"Well, before we do anything else, we have to find a way to motivate her." Kaoru says.

Mori cups his chin as he suddenly thinks of an idea.

"Fancy tuna." He simply states and Haruhi gasps. The twins, Kyouya, and Hunny all start looking at her evilly.

Recovering from his corner of despair, Tamaki starts to tempt Haruhi with the idea of finally eating "fancy tuna".

"Oh my. I remember, you never got to eat any at the party, right Tamaki?" Chrysanthe suddenly fake gasped.

"That's right." He looks at her evilly, and at the same time with success and triumph.

"Did you hear that? She's never eaten fancy tuna before, isn't that awful?" Hikaru says to his brother in a gossiping manner.

"Wow… talk about a difficult childhood." Kaoru replies.

"If only Haru-chan could stay in the host club, she'd have the chance to eat all kinds of yummy things whenever she wants!" Hunny says to his Usa-chan in fake pity.

"What are you talking about? Don't be silly! Just cause' I'm poor and I've never had it doesn't mean that I'm so much of a glutton that I'd go on fooling everyone about my gender just to try some fancy tuna!" She says, nervously and also starts to laugh nervously as well while the other hosts look at her in triumph, knowing that, though she didn't admit it just yet, they already broke her down.

"Am I really gonna get to try it?" She asks herself as she sweatdrops and stops laughing.

The hosts laugh in success.
At the sound of the bell, Chrysanthe already settled to her position.

'Let the fun begin.' She thought, although she'd have to go through the physical exams too.

After the boys pranked Tamaki and the mishap with the weird doctor, Chrysanthe moved to get her physical exam done.

While her scars healed and faded away, she felt phantom pains from touching them.

Ignoring the shock from the nurses on her chest measurements, she progressed on.
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