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Two hours later, the Music Room was empty of all guests. A brilliant sunset shone through the window as the hosts planned out the party taking place next week. Until the night of the party, the hosts would be spending an extra hour at the school making arrangements. Everyone had to help pitch in their own ideas and assistance, and it was non-negotiable.

Well… except for Tamaki, apparently.

"Hey boss! How about you stop stuffing your face with ramen and actually help us with the party planning?" Hikaru asked.

"Does it really bother you that Princess Kasuga has taken a liking to Haruhi? She's had the Host-hopping disease for a while now, why are you so surprised?" Kaoru added.

Haruhi blinked, "The host... what?"

"Host-hopping disease."

"AKA the Never-the-Same-Boy-Twice disease." The twins clarified.

"Haruhi, this club was made to cater to the fantasies of the female students here. Most of them are heirs to large  Conglomerates or certain companies. In addition, many are already in arranged engagements by their parents to improve the business, but not a lot of those marriages are happy.  Their purely beneficial. You rarely come across a happy union among the upper classes. Although they know its all pretend, This club allows them to be doted on like they wish before they have to enter the harsh world known as reality." Chrysanthe said.

Haruhi looked in deep thought from what the female host said. 'The way she says it, makes perfect sense about the club.'

"Anyway, when we have a new customer, we let them test the waters by going through each host then they would see their favorite regularly." Chrysanthe continued.

"However, Princess Kanako tends to changes her favorites… on a regular basis." Kyoya said as he was at his computer.

"Before she chose you, she was with Tama-chan." Hunny explained to Haruhi.

That's when Haruhi connected the dots.

"So he's upset that I took her from him?"

"SHUT UP! I COULDN'T CARE LESS!" Tamaki yelled before continuing. "I'm running out of patience, Haruhi! It's time you started dressing like a girl!"

Haruhi leaned back a bit, "Huh?"

"I just don't understand it! How can you can be so popular with the ladies when you yourself are a lady! No one else knows the truth except those of us here! How is that?"

The twins appeared behind him, "Well, she opted out of gym class and the attendance numbers are all mixed together." Kaoru said.

"So unless she outright tells them, with her looks Haruhi does look like a boy." Hikaru added.

Then when the subject of Haruhi's photo came up, the other boys murmured their curiosity as well, so Haruhi explained, "One of the kids from my neighborhood stuck some gum in my hair as a joke the day before school started. It's a real pain to get gum out of long hair, so I decided to cut it all off. I didn't care if I looked like a dude, you know?" Haruhi said as Tamaki freaked.

"Ah! A girl should never refer to herself as a dude or cut their hair without care! MOMMA! Haruhi's using those dirty boy words again…" he wept.

"Okay, addressing the elephant in the room. Who's Momma?" Chrysanthe asked.

"Based on club position, I assume he means me…" Kyoya explained.

Chrysanthe let a small snort slip through at the resigned tone of Kyoya's voice.

"Well, working as a host and with Chrysanthe helping, more of debt will be payed. Itll never happen if im just an errand boy." Haruhi said.

"Yeah. Just one question though. We usually have dance practices before we host a party. Have you had formal dancing experience?" Hikaru asked making Haruhi nervous.

She nodded, "Uh, no but the party doesn't have to do with my debt right? But I'm honestly not interested in going to a party, so if I'd much rather be excused from attending..." she stopped speaking. The crying behind her had stopped.

As if on cue, Tamaki spoke again as if he hadn't been weeping like a toddler experiencing a tantrum a few seconds ago, "Definitely not. If you want to be a host that badly, you going to have to show us how far you're willing to go, Haruhi! I order you to master dancing the waltz in one week, and you will demonstrate your skills at the party. If you don't reach our expectations I'll tell the entire school that you're a girl and knock you back down to errand boy!"

"To motivate you, if you can master the waltz, I'll pay back half the debt myself." Chrysanthe offered.

'Of course I forgot, these damn rich people.' Haruhi thought.
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