Ch 8: Are You Sure?

Start from the beginning

Out of everyone, X had a shy curiosity about Mumbo's hybrid side, too nervous to ask personal questions or overstep. "You can come in X, It's okay. Just don't get in the nest yet, let me fix it first," He said as he started to tuck the new fabric in alongside the others.

X nodded and shuffled inside before watching, curious and enraptured, as Mumbo added the new blankets in methodically. He made sure the new blankets were integrated how he wanted them before flopping in and laying down, satisfied with his handiwork. X tipped-toed to the edge of the nest and peered down at Mumbo as he relaxed in the nest, happily surrounded by everyone's comforting scent. He couldn't help but snort at Xisuma's big pleading eyes slightly obscured by his visor. "You can come in now," He chuckled and X was quick to step in and settle down.

"It's comfortable like Doc's was," X commented as he glided his hand over the different blankets that made up the nest. Mumbo's chest filled with pride at the compliment, X didn't know how much his praise meant. To receive a compliment about your nest from the herd leader meant the world.

X had some time to spare but was really procrastinating on admin chores to ask more hybrid questions. Which Mumbo didn't mind answering, reassuring X he would let him know if he was asking too personal questions.

On the topic of nests, they talked about scents and explained how everyone has a different scent to him. Individual scents were hard to describe but it was usually familiar smells paired alongside their own personal scent. It also depended on what environment or activities the person did as that scent would also stick to them. For example, X smelled like the void and metal along with his own indescribable personal scent. He could pinpoint the metal of his suit and the smell of the void had mixed in artificially but his personal scent was hard to describe. X looked so enraptured and even leaned in slightly to listen as Mumbo explained the details.


The sun beamed bright overhead as Mumbo was adding some details to the outside of his base. Earlier Grian had been helping him but right now he was just dabbling, adding in some layers and details. Also adding in some colors that Grian suggested worked well with the color palette he had in mind. He had to pause as his communicator pinged, having to set down his block to check who it was. Surprised to see it was Scar chatting in the private IYKYK group chat, wanting Mumbo's attention for something.

[GoodTimesWithScar] Mumbo! I left something by your base for you :)

[MumboJumbo] Why do I feel like this is a trap...

[GoodTimesWithScar] It's not this time! HotGuy promise!

[Grian] Yeah I don't trust that either.

[GoodTimesWithScar] You know exactly what it is G! Come on, it's not a trap.

[Grian] Wait, I do! It isn't a trap Mumbo! Go check it out!

[MumboJumbo] Okay okay I'll check.

Reluctantly he pocketed his communicator and tentatively peeked around the corner. There didn't seem to be any traps at the front of his vault. But an intricately decorated box sat crafted towards the side of his door, in a spot where a mailbox would sit. He tiptoed his way over to it to get a better look, hopefully it wasn't a trapped chest.

You could tell it was a Scar creation by the level of intricate detail that was put into it. It was painted with beautiful flowers in all shapes and colors, along with vines and different plants. A general nature theme covered the box head to toe in colorful fauna, fascinating details in each plant.

Symbols dotted the sides of the box were ones that were usually associated with Doc, Grian, Scar, and Xisuma. The symbols looked like they had been drawn by their respective person, as there was a stark difference between the flowers and all but one symbol.

There was a pressed feather that looked like one of Grian's next to a simply painted TNT block. Another was a goat head with horns that couldn't have represented anyone else but Doc. Another was a green helmet that resembled Xisuma's own helmet with a swirly drawn X next to it. Scar's was the most obvious as it was a pixelated version of Jellie with a flower behind her ear. Her flower was similar to the rest of the flowers that covered the box.

Separate from all the other's symbols was a simple black mustache painted on the front. Which undoubtedly was Mumbo's own symbol. He quickly pulled out his communicator to thank everyone for such an amazing gift.

[MumboJumbo] This is amazing!!! Thank you guys!!

[GoodTimesWithScar] Now you have an officially designated blanket trading mailbox! I tried not to make it too obvious other than being a really pretty mailbox, or some secret club mailbox since it has all our symbols on it.

[Grian] I used a loose feather of mine and dipped it in paint. :D

[Docm77] It is a secret club in a way. I tried really hard painting those horns.

[XisumaVoid] <3

[GoodTimesWithScar] Have you opened it yet?

[MumboJumbo] No?

[GoodTimesWithScar] I made something for you and left it in there!

He quickly pocketed his communicator before opening the chest and peering inside. There was a fabric pouch with a small note attached to it sitting in a corner. Smelled like there was some kind of treat in it as he picked it up, opening it to find it was full of salt cubes. Immediately his mouth started to water as salt cubes were a common treat for cow hybrids. He couldn't remember the last time had one, plus he never knew how to make them.

Looking at the note written in Scar's handwriting it read 'I heard cow hybrids like salt cubes so I made you some!' signed by the park owner in a fancy scribble. A smile covered his face as he popped one in his mouth, sucking on it like a lollipop, before heading inside to stash away the new treat.

He definitely wasn't going to horde these and ration them out so they would last longer. He could always beg Scar to make more but hide them in the nest room anyways for safekeeping.

[MumboJumbo] I haven't had salt cubes in forever! Thank you! How did you hear about them?

[GoodTimesWithScar] I may or may not have done some research and found some vague recipes. I had to improvise on some things... How are they?

[MumboJumbo] They're absolutely delicious!!

[GoodTimesWithScar] I was so worried I made them wrong lol. I'm glad they turned out good.

[MumboJumbo] You'll have to teach me how to make them sometime.

[GoodTimesWithScar] I'd be happy to, we could make them together!

[Xisuma] Good baking with Scar lol.

Mumbo's ear fluttered happily at the idea of making more salt cubes with Scar. It also warmed his heart that the elf had spent the time to make them even though the recipes weren't straightforward. His little herd of hermits who knew was starting to come with its perks. His instincts had never been this fulfilled and content in a long time. His nest finally smelled right for once along with an accepting herd leader was more than he could've hoped for.

When all this started by growing his horns out he never thought it would turn out so nicely. He never thought he would ever be comfortable with vocalizing around other hermits, but he found himself vocalizing more openly every so often. They didn't mind his noises and would actively encourage it too. Doc would bleat and Grian would squawk back in response to any of Mumbo's own moos. He hadn't felt this comfortable in his skin in such a long time.

This was far from the imaginary narrative he had rooted in his head. This idea that he would be met with anger or outrage from the other hermits when they found out. His fear of rejection and being captured again had a tight grip on him, it kept him quiet. His previous server seemed to be the root of all these issues. Too scared that the hermits would use him just as his old server had. But X had dismantled that train of thought with his kindness and acceptance. Mumbo could trust his herd leader to keep him safe. 

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