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*Time skipping cuz first dates are awkward asf and I don't want to write it lmao*

Arins' pov

My phone rang.

Great... right in the middle of dinner.

"I know we have a rule of no phones during dinner, but can I see whos calling me?"

She smiled "If it's Dan, go ahead and answer it.

I got up and looked at my phone; sure enough, it was Dan.

I gave Suzy a look.


I nodded.

She smiled "Answer it, I wanna hear how it went."

I clicked the answer button and hit speaker mode as Dan said "Dude, she robbed me."

Suzys -and my- jaw dropped, "What did she take?" I asked.

"My fucking heart."

I rolled my eyes.

"She did that a long time ago." I said, sitting down.

"How did it go?" Suzy asked.

"Really well, my heart is so full, we talked about so much and we had a wonderful time."

I looked at Suzy as she smiled at me, nudging my elbow, "Told you." She whispered.

"But I don't want it to happen again."

"Are you talking about Ashley?" I asked.


"Y/n wouldn't do that to you." Suzy said.

"And I'm pretty sure Ashley had a valid reason to break up with you." I said.

"Valid or not, my heart was still broken, Arin."

"I know that feeling, it's like someone joking about your biggest insecurity and then going "I'm joking" like it didn't hurt my feelings or anything." Suzy said, relating to him to help him feel better.

Dan sighed.

"I don't want to lead her on."

"I think you did that already." I said.

"But Dan, she loves you, when Y/n and I have our girls' nights all she talks about is you."

I heard him sigh.

"Dan, stop overthinking."

"Don't word it like that, Arin." Suzy told me.

"I know you're afraid that this relationship might go the same route as you and Ashley did but I know Y/n, she wouldn't do that to you when her relationship went the same way."


"Has she ever mentioned her last boyfriend?" She asked.

"Yeah, she has, but she never mentioned how the breakup went."

"They had an amazing relationship, then all of a sudden he didn't love her anymore, and that tore Y/n apart more than it did to him."

"How sudden was the breakup?"

"When she asked about it, he left her immediately, and she really didn't deserve that."

"I've been keeping up on him, and right after the breakup, he got into a new relationship." (Best friends have a stalking friend to keep up on them, I should know, I am that friend.)

She whispered, in my ear, "He's dating Ashley, but please don't tell him."

My heart sunk into my chest as I looked at her.

She nodded.

"I wonder how Y/n's doing." I said.

"It was more than a couple of years ago, so I don't think she's burdened by the sadness anymore."

"Especially now that she's met a lovely man that she wants to be with."

"You should talk to Y/n, but obviously not know that you've been on a first date with her, wait half a year." Suzy said.

I heard him chuckle.

"I do like the thought of being in a long-term relationship with Y/n. I'm going to forget about Ashley."

I smiled as Suzys' phone went off.

"How much do you wanna bet that that's Y/n?" She asked me.

She got up and went to grab her phone. She looked at me and showed me the screen.

"Hey Dan, guess who's calling Suzy?"


"Y/n." Suzy said.

"Really? Wait, can I stay on the call? I wanna know what she says."

"Yeah, but mute yourself just in case you start talking."

"Okay." Dan said.

Suzy smiled, hitting the answer button on her phone.

"Hey, Y/n, how was the date?" Suzy asked.

"It was incredible, he's such a sweet person."

I smiled.

"Glad to hear that." I said.

"Suz, he was so patient when I stuttered."

Suzy sighed dreamily, "Isn't it lovely?"

"Yes! My heart can't handle this, is it bad that I'm having second thoughts?"

Suzy sighed, "Y/n, whatever happened in your last relationship won't happen this time."

"I know, but I can't help but fantasize about what might happen."

"Dan loves you, and it's truly incredible that the both of you chose each other."

"Well, Y/n you did choose Dan, right?" I asked, and my arm was immediately hit with the back of Suzys' hand.

"Arin." Her voice was quiet.

"Yes, I choose Dan. Why wouldn't I? We have such amazing chemistry, I don't want to ruin it."

"But on the other hand, I wanna see how far it will go."

"Then go for it." She said.

"Okay, I will."

"What all happened on the date?" Suzy asked.

"So, do you know that song "I Don't Know What We're Talking About?"

"Yes, that's a song Dan made." I said.

"From my point of view, that's what I felt on the inside."

I busted out in laughter.

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