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*A month later*

I walked into Arins office, he was reading and responding to emails.

"Arin." I said.

"Yes, Dan?" He said, looking at me for second, acknowledging that I exist in the room.

"I think I know why I've been sleeping so well and been having great days every day."

He gave me a look of amusement.

"Why, Dan?" He asked, typing on the keyboard.

"Because I love her, I always find myself thinking about her, even if I don't mean to, she's like a good luck charm, and I've had a lot of good luck lately."

He was smirking, and I wasn't sure if it was meant towards me, or towards what he was reading on the screen.

"Dude?" I ask, wanting him to say something.

"Who gave you the idea that you might love y/n?"

"Well, Ross pointed it out a week ago, and I'm not entirely okay with the fact that I didn't deny that, but like... it made me think for awhile... and the fact is, is that I love her, and I could see myself with her.

He smirked at the computer.

"Dude, say something."

He looked at me "That was obvious, Dan."

"How obvious?" I asked.

"Obvious enough for me and Suzy to notice it." He said as he started to type.

"Was that obvious enough for y/n to notice?"

"Nope, she's kind of oblivious to that kind of stuff, but she's noticed how nice you've been recently, but she hasn't pieced together that's why you love her."

I nodded, "Right, okay, what should I do?"

"You should tell her you love her, dude."

*The next day*

"You should tell her you love her, dude." Arins' words echoed in my head.

I was pacing in my office.

"I think I love you, y/n." I said to myself, pretending that I'm talking to her, trying not to be anxious while admitting that I love her.

I heard a quiet gasp from the door, and I immediately turned around, and there she stood, her hand over her mouth.

"Y/n, I'm so-" I started to say but she ran away.

I knew that she wouldn't like me back.

Y/n's pov

I quickly walked to find Arin.

"Arin?" I asked around.

Arin yells back at me, his voice was muffled "Y/n?"

I call him again "Dude, where are you?"

"Conference room."

I open the door to the conference room and he's sitting there alone, writing down ideas for a funny video.

"Why are you alone?" I asked as I came in, closing the door behind me.

"Sometimes ideas come to me better when I'm alone." He tapped his pencil on the notepad.

"Why did you call for me?" He asked as he set the pencil down.

"Dan was in his office, talking to himself, and I guess that he was trying to- whatever, he loves me!"

Arin nods, "Yep, I know."

My jaw dropped.

"You knew? How long have you known?!"

"I don't know, weeks, months? It's been awhile."

I groaned with frustration as I sat down.

"So you've known that Danny loves me, and you didn't tell me?"

"I didn't know how to bring it up!" He said, hands going up in surrender.

I sighed, my emotions going up and down like a fucking roller coaster.

"I ran away."


"I ran because I didn't know what to say, and now I feel bad. I should've stayed, should I go back?" I got up.

"Y/n, I'll talk to him, sit down." 

"Okay. What are you going to say?" I sat back down.

He thought for a second.

"I'm going to tell him that you love him too, and that you were afraid of telling him because you didn't know if he'd feel the same."

I nodded "Good."

"We're going to give him some time, first."

I nodded.


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