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I smiled "How sweet."

After I got out, he closed the door for me.

"It's the least I could do." He said, locking his car.

We talked as we walked into the building, heading to my apartment.

"This is a nice place." He said.

I scoffed " You should've seen the last place I lived at, this is nothing, I used to feel like royalty everyday."

When I got to my apartment, I pulled out my keys and put it into the doorknob, turning it softly so they don't run to the door and crowd Dan.

I quickly -but quietly- open the door and we walked in as I say "Take off your shoes."

He nodded as he did what I said.

He closed the door after taking his shoes off.

The dogs ran up to me.

"Hi! Oh hi! Did you miss me?" I said as I kneeled down to pet them.

One of them noticed Dan and went up to him for some pets, and I stood up, wiping my hands on my pants to get rid of the dog slobber.

He kneeled to pet her and she soaked up the attention that Dan was giving her.

"What's your name?" He asked, scratching her chest.

"That one is Sadie, this one is Luna." I said and he looked at her.

She was hiding between my legs.

"Give her a minute, she needs to warm up to you."

"Why is she so scared?" He asked.

"She's not scared, she's just shy, go sit on the couch and she'll warm up to you."

Dan went and sat down on my couch.

"It'll take about ten minutes to warm up to you, so don't go "Why won't she let me pet her?" Just wait, dude." I said as I sat down next to him.

He looked at me and he asked "Why is she so shy?"

"Well, last time I had a guy around, she was the favorite, he spoiled her so much, and when he broke up with me, she didn't take it so well."

"She didn't understand that he wasn't coming back so she became shy and sad, that's why I got Sadie to comfort her."

"Dogs deserve to be happy, just like any other animal."

"It's been two years sine she's last seen him, I sometimes wonder how good her memory is."

Luna went up to Dan and smelled him.

He picked up his hand.

"Don't touch her yet."

He put his hand back down slowly.

She kept smelling him.

Then she sat in between his feet, a sign of her trust to him.

"Okay, pet her, slowly."

He slowly reached his hand out, and he started petting her head.

She whimpered at him.

"Aw Luna, it's okay."

She walked away from him to hide.

"She'll warm up to you soon, just give her time."

He nodded "How long will it take for her to get used to me?"

I shrugged "I don't know, you should come over more often so she gets used to you."

"Once a week?"

"That sounds fair."

I looked at my watch "Yikes, it's almost 6:00, I better get ready."

He made a confused face as he looked at his watch.

"No, it's not, it's 4:47."

I smiled as I repeated "It's almost 6:00, I better get ready." I walked to my room to get ready.

You're So Fucking Breathtaking || Dan AvidanWhere stories live. Discover now