CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE: It's the '60s Babe

Start from the beginning

He looked down to pour himself another glass and I touched a hand to his arm to stop him. "I thought you were getting sober?"

"You're not dead!" He laughed then pulled me into a suffocating hug. "You're actually back!" He held me at arms length to get a better look at me. "You look different. Again."

"Well, death does that to you." I smirked.

"So it worked?!"

"Aye, it worked." I chuckled. "The old fart was right about somethin.'"

"Wait, wait, that means I'm immortal too then, right?"

"I suppose." I kept my big smile.

"So we're best friends forever, literally! Ha!" He ran his fingers through his hair "Yess!"


Then I giggled slightly with tears still burning in my eyes.


Klaus came running out of the mini mart with bags of chips and candy pouring from his arms.

"Hey! Stop right now!" A cop shouted after him.

"Hey, bitches!" Four yelled to us as he ran in front of the van. I couldn't stop my smile from spreading across my face this time.

"Now I'm starting to wonder if that was the wisest decision," a muffled figure stated then turned to me but instead saw me smiling at Klaus.

I glanced back at them. "Oh, yeah, probably not."


Who wis there?


April, 1961

"Yeah, no, I think you've had enough coffee." Gilligan took the pot from my hand.

"You can never have too much coffee!" I took the piping pot back and refilled my cup.

"Yes, yes you can, and you have." He chuckled. "A pot n' a half is way too much. What're you doin' today, studying the entire dictionary?" In the blink of an eye I stumbled to the floor in incredible torment again, spilling my scalding coffee over me. My mug clacked to the ground and shards flew in every which way as burns immediately appeared on my arm, but they were the least of my worries.

"Oh shit, Ron." Gill grabbed ahold of me before I hit my head. I screamed out in suffering. The blisters rapidly forming on my arm wasn't anything compared to the intense throbbing I was feeling from my brain.

"I-I-I.." Sobbing, I doubled over in pain and screeched. "Ah remember.. somethin' else."


"It all makes sense now." Allison gasped. "When we were four, Dad told us you were sick. You had to be isolated. We were so young. None of us knew to question it. But then he asked me to do something I never understood... until now. I heard a rumor that... you think you're just ordinary. He made me an accomplice."

"Oh Allison..."

The next thing I remembered was that explosive feeling resulting in me getting thrown out of the window and Allison with her throat slit.


"Allison.. she almost died that night tae." My countenance grew solemn but then a flicker of a smile graced my face. "She has a daughter." My husband clasped me to his chest and stroked my hair out of my face.

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