13. Jack Removes Tobys Organ

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I was back in the fucking medical ward again.

When I woke up and took in the overly clean and white environment of the medical ward, I was ready to throw some hands. Either attached or detached from a body, it didn't matter to me.

This was my what, 3rd? 4th? Time waking up here? I really need to stop passing out.

I looked down at my chest and saw Jack laying his head on it. His mask was off so I could easily see his closed eyelids and relaxed expression. I don't think I really ever saw him more look more peaceful than he did now.

I sat up, or attempted to sit up. I didn't get far before I realized that the bandages wrapped around my torso made it impossible.

During my attempt, I had knocked Jacks head off my lap, causing him to wake up.

He sat up straighter in his chair, rubbing his eye sockets to help him wake up.

He smiled in my direction, causing my heart to speed up a bit. Who the fuck let this man have a smile that attractive? It should honestly be illegal.

I returned his smile, though it was quickly slapped off my face. Literally.

I reached up to hold my cheek while looking at Jack, mildly hurt.

He stood up and propped his body up by putting his hands on the bed, leaning over so it was more comfortable.

"What the actual fuck were you thinking? You almost died! You had to go through multiple surgeries until you were stable enough for us to be sure you would make it. Do you know how long it took to stabilize you? 17 hours and 32 minutes!" Jack borderline yelled at me. The black liquid that normally flowed down his face at an extremely slow, almost still pace, was now flowing quicker and seemed thinner than usual. He was crying.

I reached up and put my hand on his face, the only way I knew to comfort him. I wasn't ever good at words and figuring out what helped people and what made them more upset, and I doubt that changed.

He closed his eyes tightly and fell back into his chair, burying his face in his hands.

"I thought I was going to lose you. I was so scared," He said in an extremely shaky voice.

I pulled him back onto my chest and held him while he cried. There wasn't much I could do to comfort him but I hated seeing him upset because of me.

After a while he calmed down.

"The gash in your leg was fairly deep and was stitched closed, so I wouldn't recommend walking too much for a while. There were two bullets inside your torso, one ended up stuck in your large intestine, the other was embedded into your appendix. There was an appendectomy performed after removing the first bullet," Jack explained to me.


"You don't have an appendix anymore. We removed it."

Hold the fuck up.

"Isn't an appendix an organ?"

Jack raised his eyebrow at me, "I honestly thought you would be more interested in the life threatening situation the first bullet put you in."

I shrugged.

"Yes an appendix is an organ, though not a necessarily important one. In fact, no one really knows what the purpose of an appendix is, though people who have had appendectomy's have lived a completely normal life afterwards. There's nothing to worry about," Jack told me, answering my previous question.

I nodded. I still didn't full understand but I wasn't going to make him repeat himself. All I needed to know what that I'd be okay.

"What about the one in my arm?" I asked him.

"Are you seriously not worried about the life threatening bullet that was inside your intestines?" Jack practically hissed at me.

I just shrugged again, earning a sigh from Jack.

"The one in your arm was easily removed. We stitched up all the wounds after removing the bullets," Jack informed me.

I nodded, remaining quiet after that. I had pretty much all my questions answered.

"Anything else you want to know?" Jack asked me, leaning forward and putting an elbow on the bed I was laying on, using his hand to support his head.

"You have a crush on anyone?" I asked, semi-jokingly.

"I meant medical questions Toby," Jack sighed, "But I guess I do. I'm not super sure."

That in itself was reassuring.

"Why do you ask? You interested in me?" Jack teased me.

I turned my face away from him even though I knew he couldn't see it. I was sure I was as red as a tomato right then.

"Nah, just wondering. I hope it isn't Jeff though, I don't want to be stabbed every time I try and hang out with you," I joked with him. I did hope it wasn't Jeff though. Being stabbed isn't a fun experience.

"Never in a million years would I be with Jeff," Jack laughed out.

"...what about in a million and one years?" I asked.

Jack just lightly whacked my arm, sending me into a giggling fit. He soon followed me. We were both giggling like idiots when the door opened and Dr. Smiley walked in.

"Looks like you two are getting along," He said in a lighthearted tone.

"Hi Smiley," Jack greeted.

"Hi Jack. Have you informed Toby of how his recovery process is going to go?" Smiley asked, looking down at a clipboard that he was holding against his chest a few moments prior.

"Not yet, just about the surgeries he had. I answered hopefully all of his questions." Jack told him, shifting in his chair so he could face Dr. Smiley better.

He nodded and looked up from his clipboard.

"Well Toby, you're going to be in here for about a week. We're going to be monitoring you recovery process to make sure everything is working properly. After that we'll be able to move you up to your room. You should stay on bed rest for another week after that, then you should be okay to start moving around. Maybe taking small walks down the hall, to the kitchen. Nothing too much though. I would give it another week before you're good to be taking long walks outside. After that you can start running a bit and work up from there. It shouldn't take you more than a month to get back to normal," Smiley informed me.

2 weeks of staying in bed? I knew I would die of boredom.

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