Yumi x reader (1)

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I let the tears fall as I'm sitting in the dark alone in my room. I don't think there even is a specific reason why I'm crying. I guess it finally built up and I let it all out. I hear my door open slowly and I see Blake pop his head in. he walks to my bedside table and turns on the small light so he can see me.

I scoot over in the bed to make room for him. he wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead. he whispers sweet nothings in my ear as I calm down.

"you're okay sweetheart I've got you," he says holding me tighter

"How did you even hear me?" I ask softly

"your cries aren't that low," he says truthfully and shrugging

"What happened?" he says looking into my eyes

"I guess I just feel like the world is against me," I say looking at my lap

"why's that?"

"nothing has gone right for me these past few days" I whisper with my head in the crook of Blake's neck

he wraps his arms around me and sighs

"I know how you feel (y/n), there is this person I like that gets none of the hints I give," he says sighing

my heart sinks even more in my chest as I cry harder. fan fucking tastic, of course, he likes someone else I think to myself as I pull away from his embrace

"(y/n)?" he says with a crack in his voice

"Why are you comforting me when you like someone else?" I ask softly looking into his eyes

"oh so now I can't comfort my best friend," he says coldly

"well I wouldn't mind if I wasn't in love with you and it destroys me every time that I'm just the best friend," I say getting up and locking myself in the bathroom

I slide against the door as more tears fall. I'm such an idiot I lay on the cold tile watching the goosebumps form on my skin at the contact. the door opens and Blake rushes in with a key in hand

"How did you manage to find the key?" I say grumpily

"you told me where you put it for emergencies and this is an emergency," he says sitting next to me

"you didn't let me finish talking," he says softly cupping my face

"you're the person I've been giving hints to darling" he whispers and connects our lips

I kiss him back softly not believing what is happening.

"I love you so much (y/n) I'm so tired of holding my feelings back you're the only person I want," he says looking into my eyes smiling

"I love you too Blake," I say hugging him tightly

he picks me up and walks to my bed he puts me down and gets in next to me putting the covers over us and he looks over at the time it's 4:09 am he pulls me into him and kisses me softly turning off the light.

"I love you, Blake," I say kissing his lips

"I love you too (y/n)" he says kissing me back

"thank you for taking care of me," I say laying on top of him

"Anything for you my love," he says kissing my temple

I listen to Blake's soft breathing eventually falling asleep.

youtuber x reader one shots (3)Where stories live. Discover now