6. Late Night Snack Session

Start from the beginning

I let them know I would be staying at Jacks dorm and would meet them later today. They basically just told me to be safe and not be an idiot.

I set my phone down and walked over to Jack.

"You have any food?"

He laughed, "I figured you'd probably be hungry. I have some instant ramen or we could go to the vending machines and grab some snacks from there?"

I thought for a second before choosing the vending machines.

After getting our snacks and drinks from the vending machines, we sat down at one of the tables in the common area that was in the corner.

Jack had gotten a granola bar and some cola, I had gotten mini cookies and a monster.

We ended up sitting there for half an hour, just talking about our lives and anything that caught our interest. I listened to Jack talk about a presentation he was working on about different anesthetics and how strong they were.

I had no clue what he was talking about but pretended I did. I was in med school right now, even if it was for just a short period of time. I should at least know some of the basics.

Me and Jack eventually headed back to his dorm, saying goodnight to each other and then going to sleep. Maybe tomorrow I wouldn't get beaten up by my coworkers. Just maybe.

The morning came and went rather quickly.

I had woken up, gotten breakfast at the cafeteria with Jack, I hadn't even known they served breakfast, and finished my first two classes of the day.

It was lunch now, and I was going to meet up with Masky again to talk about what I knew about him. I didn't know much about him though, other than the fact he was extremely interested in anatomy and that he loved cats.

He seemed like a cat person to me so that wasn't really a big surprise.

I reported this information to him while we sat at the same table as yesterday.

"That's all? You stay in the same room with him for an entire afternoon and night, and all you can tell me about him is that he likes anatomy and cats?" Masky said, sounding rather frustrated.

He acted like this whole thing was all my responsibility, like all three of us weren't sent here to complete this task. That pissed me off.

"Well if you're gonna be such a fucking bitch about it, go talk to him yourself, figure stuff out yourself," I said, copying his tone. I stood up and left the table, Hoodie put a hand on Masky's shoulder, as if trying to calm him down.

As I walked over to Jack's table, I saw a girl with brown hair talking to him. She laughed, probably over exaggerating how funny whatever Jack said was. Then she waved at Jack and left.

Jack seemed pretty neutral towards her so I didn't pay her much attention.

I sat down at his table, putting my face in my hands.

This was too overwhelming. I felt like I couldn't do enough. I felt like I wasn't enough.

Jack seemed to sense this because he stood up, throwing our empty trays in the trash, grabbed my hand, and led me to our little corner. There were blood stains in the ground from my 'little' fight with Masky. I cringed slightly but sat down next to Jack.

"You seem stressed," Jack said, "Anything you want to talk about?"

I nodded, carefully considering my words before saying them, making sure not to reveal too much. Especially now, since I new this person was our target.

"I'm an artist and take commissions as a side job, I work with Tim, who's one of my roommates. He's the guy who dragged me out here yesterday. Tim's been getting pissed at me because I'm falling behind on orders, but I'm still doing my best, I just feel like I'm not doing enough," I confessed. Art commissions seemed like a good way to phrase 'I'm a murderer and kill people and right now i'm stalking you and trying to recruit you so you can murder people with me'.

"That sounds pretty rough. I can understand how balancing a new school and commissions can be difficult. I know you're doing your best though, even if you don't think it's enough," Jack comforted.

I smiled at him. It felt nice to be comforted by someone other than Jane or Kate.

I wondered how Kate was doing at the mansion. She wasn't going out on this mission because Slender liked to keep at least one of his proxy's home at all times.

"Thank you," I said softly.

He didn't say anything, instead just wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me into his side.

We stayed like that until it was time for our next class.

omg guys, Toby doesn't like the person who was a dick to him his entire stay at the mansion? Isn't that such a big surprise?

Eyeless Jack x Ticci TobyWhere stories live. Discover now