Chapter 34: The Depth of My Feelings

Start from the beginning

- Exactly - Pete added, placing a sliced apple in front of the boy, only to turn to Alcazio immediately afterwards. - Even Vegas checked him out and fell for this fake death thing. It's not your fault, man.

- Wait a minute! How can you, Pete - I looked at him sidelong, but as he focused on me, I sighed, trying to hold back the curses from leaving my mouth. Instead, I leaned over my Pete, kissing him right on the lips. The quick peck only caused Macau to roll his eyes, pretending to suddenly feel unwell.

- Couples makes me sick! Let's get back to the subject - he murmured, picking up the fruit and nibbling on it. – Go ahead!

- You're an interesting family - Chanthira began, shaking her head with a smile. - And yes, a visit. Well, then Mikolaj wiretapped us and watched my every move, so I couldn't take any chances, Alcazio. I'm sorry, I should have warned you, but it was enough that once I met you accidentally on the street, you were on the other side, then I got a message with recordings and simple "do it and you're done". You can guess which ones, so I stopped trying. Instead I decided to prepare for the very time of the attack, because I knew that Mikolaj would demand something from us, some help he couldn't manage by himself.

- It's not your fault - Alcazio assured her, and I nodded, squeezing Pete's hand tighter in mine.

His head leaned cautiously against my shoulder as we listened to the rest of her story.

- In the beginning, we were supposed to pull you out of the villa. The plan was simple, my group and Mikolaj's man were to walk up the floors, putting you to sleep with gas, and then take everyone to the forest. But for some reason, he changed his mind and sent us to your house, Vegas.

- Macau has already told us what happened at home, but explain to me how you managed to put all my people to sleep? - I asked, still not understanding how this whole thing ended with no one defending the rest of the family.

- Quite simply - she admitted, coming closer to us. - It was enough just to remind your housekeeper that she owed me a favor. Maybe that's why Mikolaj changed my task? He remembered I knew this woman, and he was sure that the threats would not work on her. So I used the only asset I had, the favor and her good opinion of me. She helped me because I promised not to hurt Macau or the rest of the family.

- One of the bodyguards was killed - Pete said, and Chanthira nodded sadly.

- Unfortunately, I can control my people, but not Mikolaj's man. He killed the security guard before I could react, and then he started to roam the house like his own. It was he who attacked your nanny, who, I must admit, showed incredible courage.

- It's true - I admitted, and although I didn't like women, these two made me respect their gender a little more..

- When we managed to take Macau, I killed Mikolaj's man and threw him into a ditch. I don't even know where his body is rotting. Then I was able to talk to your brother, who trusted me enough to agree to my plan.

- It was strange to wear that vest - Macau said, smiling gently. – But it worked perfectly!

I answered him with the nod, though his face was saddened when Alcazio's still furious gaze fell upon him. I wanted to go up to my friend, hit this empty head, make him finally let go of the anger he felt after hearing that Macau volunteered for all of this, because even if it was very dangerous, boy saved our lives. I understood his fear as I had experienced the horror myself, while seeing his small, motionless body on the ground, but past is the past. We can't change it, the only thing we should do is learn from it. We were lucky enough to survive.

- When we got back, we came across Pete, who was pulled out of the house. Fortunately, only one security guard was holding him, so I got rid of the issue quickly and told him what I could because we were running out of time. Then your people came and the war broke out, you already know the rest. That's it.

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