𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲

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𝐎𝐦𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐏𝐎𝐕.

After Angel slammed the door, Billie didn't know what to do.

She didn't know how to help.

She has never wanted to help anyone before unless it was Finneas or Gabby.

When Billie was angry or upset, all she wanted was to be left alone, so that's all she knew how to do, was leave people alone.

Or hurt them.

Just as Billie was going to get up, go in there and try to figure out what was going on, her phone went off with a call, from Destiny.

Billie stares at the phone reluctantly, debating on whether she even wanted to answer it or not. She just came in, started this mess because she's drunk and angry at Billie, exposing something of Angels that clearly was something she wanted to keep to herself.

But then she looks over to the picture of Zolana, and her curiosity does start setting in.

Who is this girl?

Angel never even mentioned anything like a girlfriend.

In fact, Angel didn't talk about her personal life at all.

When Billie had gone and checked her background, it had little to nothing.

Destiny did exactly what she had wanted, planted the suspicion in Billie's head.

And it was enough for Billie to pick up that phone call.

- -

𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕.

I slammed the door behind me, leaning up to it. I can't believe she had the nerve to go into my apartment, and touch my things. MY personal things.

Zolana was my memory, and no one else's. It has been years, and I don't even talk to my own sister about it.

I go over to the spare bathroom in the room, and turn the water on. I look at myself in the mirror and broke down immediately.

Typical me.

Not only did she completely invade my privacy, she could've seen anything else, about my real life. As much as I want to be honest, I can't. This is my daughter's safety that is at risk, once I get back from the drop, and it is safe for my sister and Paris to come here, I will tell Billie and Gabby everything.

Until then, it has to stay a secret.

I turn the water off, and try to recollect myself. I wipe my eyes quickly, trying to not get myself too worked up.

I had to think of something to explain Zolana if anyone asked, because I reacted out of impulse when I told Billie she was dead, I need some sort of story behind it.

Just as I leave the bathroom, I hear Billie.

"Hello? What is it?" She snaps. I move my head up to the door to listen, but the rest of what is being said is muffled. I open the door slightly and look out and I see her by the couch, grabbing her stuff, looking like she's about to leave.

I don't know if I upset her, or if this situation coming about made her mad, but she looks overstimulated.

Or withdrawing.

I step out slightly, "You okay?" I say, looking at her.

Looking completely frazzled, she continues to grab her stuff, making no eye contact with me. "Yup." She snaps, heading towards the stairs.

Okay, definitely mad.

"Where you going?" I say a little louder, walking towards to the stairs.

"Out." She snaps once again, leaving out the front door and not failing to slam it behind her.

- -

"Então a garota Destiny encontrou a foto de Zolana?" (So the Destiny girl found Zolana's picture?)" Antonia says, listening to my rant.

After Billie stormed out the house, I didn't know who else to talk to. I had no one else. I couldn't reach out and tell Gabby much of this without blowing my cover, so I called my sister.

I explained the whole situation with Billie, and now Destiny.

"Sim, ela de alguma forma entrou no meu apartamento e viu. Não sei como ela não viu mais nada. (Yes, she somehow got into my apartment and saw it. I don't know how she didn't see anything else.)" I explained, laying down in the spare bedroom still.

Billie had allowed me into her room, but I just don't feel comfortable enough to be in there without her, especially with her being angry right now.

I don't know if it's because of me, but it honestly has to be.

"Como você sabe que ela não fez isso? Você precisa ter mais cuidado Katarina. Você gosta dessa garota Billie, mas não a conhece bem, ela poderia te trair e estragar tudo se descobrisse que você estava mentindo sobre quem você é. (How do you know she didn't? You need to be more careful Katarina. You like this Billie girl, but you do not know her well, she could betray you and ruin this all if she found out you were lying about who you are. )" Antonia says.

She's not wrong, and I know Billie is a loose cannon with her temper, but I've seen a different side of her lately.

"Pare com isso, não sei o que sinto por Billie, muita coisa está acontecendo. Como está Paris? (Stop that, I don't know how I feel about Billie, a lot is happening. How is Paris?)" I say, trying to switch the subject off Billie.

The more I think about Billie, the more I get stressed out about her storming out like that. I texted her an hour ago, just asking when she will be back, and I got nothing back.

I plan on explaining myself to her, hopefully with no problems and she believes me, but you never know with her.

"Ela está bem, mas sente sua falta. Talvez possamos conversar pessoalmente esta semana? (She is ok, misses you though. Maybe we can facetime this week?) Antonia says, bringing a smile to my face.

"Claro. Tenho tantas saudades dela. (Of course. I miss her so much.)" I say.

Everytime it starts to get hard, all of this, I just remember I did this for my family. That was the reason I came here, to make a new life for us.

A free one.

I continue to talk to Antonia to kill some more time, just so I don't have to pay attention to the fact that I'm alone in this big house, just as I'm finishing the conversation, I hear the front door open.

Billie's home.

- -

𝐎𝐦𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐏𝐎𝐕.

When the front door opened, Angel quickly hung up with her sister, preparing herself for the conversation she had to have with Billie.

Another lie.

It was quite clear she did not want to have the conversation with Billie because she did not want to lie, but what choice did she have?

She couldn't make it suspicious.

She had been hoping that she would hear her out, let her explain herself, considering that Zolana was now just a memory.

Billie and Angel had been really good lately too, I mean just this same night she told her things about herself, trying to get Angel to trust her enough.

Told her she didn't wanna do coke anymore, put emotions out on her sleeve, for the first time in while.

So you can say it took Angel by surprise when she heard Billie's bedroom door close, without her coming to talk to Angel.

And it took her even more by surprise when she knocked on Billie's door and opened it, and was met with Destiny in the bed, alongside Billie.

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