moving to America

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A few more hours has passed and izuku woke up smelling food but that's not the only thing on his mind he was thinking about the dream he had thinking if it was real or not, he followed the scent of the delicious food to the kitchen and found his father cooking and baking, I hope your hungry son foods almost ready his father said not looking at izuku, in the mean time go open your birthday present I bought you hisashi said, ok dad but where are they izuku asked, under the bed where you was sleeping, ok izuku answered and left.

He said under the bed izuku said to his self and he looks under the bed and found a flat looking box with a gold wrapping paper, this must be it izuku said as he unwrapped his present and what he saw he couldn't believe his eyes, no way this is a MJ's swarovski & diamond studded notebook

He said under the bed izuku said to his self and he looks under the bed and found a flat looking box with a gold wrapping paper, this must be it izuku said as he unwrapped his present and what he saw he couldn't believe his eyes, no way this is a ...

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This must've cost a fortune izuku said but when he tried to emptied the box 5 flash drive fell what's this nope is it no no no it cant be 512 GB flash drives izuku said while looking at one in his hand, DINNERTIME OR BREAKFAST his father said yelling.

As izuku came into the kitchen not knowing his father was taking some milk, soda and water and as his father turns he look at izuku and they both locked eyes for a second, IZUKU WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU hisashi said while running to izuku in worried, what what's wrong dad izuku said startling, your hair what happened to it and your eyes his father said worried, what izuku said grabbing his hair and look at it uhm dad may I please have a mirror he said, coming right up his dad said and left.

So my dream was real izuku said, here you go kid hisashi said giving izuku a mirror, my eyes are red blood red izuku said while he let go of the mirror to let it shatter on the ground but hisashi caught it just in time.

Why is my hair white and my eyes red dad what's happening to me izuku said panicking, calm down calm down first tell me what is the last thing you did last night his father asked, well I fell asleep that's all I swear izuku said, than izuku said, than what tell me son, I had a dream about all the past users of one for all and... izuku stopped, and what please tell me let dad help his father said, they gave me one for all they said that all might and izumi are unworthy to have it because of the abuse and neglect that's not what a true hero does and they also said that it can't be passed on not anymore since I'm the last wielder izuku said finishing his explanation.

In result mutating your eyes red and your hair white hisashi said, izuku nodded with tears in his eyes, are you gonna kill me now now that I have this power, no son no don't say such things I won't and never lay a finger on you I want you to become a hero to be better than me I did a lot of bad things in the past that I can't change but that doesn't mean you have to and if anyone dares to touch you I will personally end their career hisashi said.

*growls*, oh somebody is hungry hisashi said, yea I am kinda hungry izuku said smiling so what doe we have here izuku said while looking at the table of food.

*growls*, oh somebody is hungry hisashi said, yea I am kinda hungry izuku said smiling so what doe we have here izuku said while looking at the table of food

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