neglect & broken

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3RD pov:

Izuku was a child of misfortune he would describe. Izuku knew love and happiness from the age of 1 to the age of 4 but when he reach the age of four and arrived at the doctor's he only knew of pain and suffering from that day forth. His parents inko yagi and toshinori yagi started to forget about him. His younger sister started to turn on him hating him, izuku never understood why she did that nor did he understand why his former best friends katsuki Bakugo and shoto todoroki turned on him either.

Izuku kept growing up each year with his birthdays coming and going without any fanfare from his family or former friends. Not even his mother's adoptive brother Shouta Aizawa comes around to see izuku anymore. Izuku receives birthday cards from him every year still but that's it. They don't even have return address so izuku can't track him down to try and get help from him either and that made some depressing thoughts that his uncle didn't love him either and was only sending birthday cards for appearance sake. Izuku had nothing to disprove his theory so that is how he thought of his uncle.

The years have passed and izuku is now 8 and he couldn't take it anymore he was so depressed from all the I'll treatment that he wanted to cut himself. One day he asked his parents to go to therapy but his mother told him that nothing was wrong with him .

His sister hears this and decided to tell her friends, they all started to make fun of him some said that the therapist can't help you to get a quirk and others says that he's crazy or something.

However, half a year has passed and he no longer can't take it anymore. Izuku was done with his so called family when he heard a conversation between his family. They were talking about starting izumi's training for her to inherit toshionri's quirk.

Suprise, suprise ! Toshinori yagi is actually all might the number one hero ! Who would've thought that the number one hero would neglect their child ! Inko yagi was also the number six hero psyshock as well ! What was most shocking is the inheriting part.

All might told izumi all about his quirk ONE FOR ALL and that was a quirk he received from his master who also received it from another and so forth. He had deemed izumi worthy of inheriting the quirk even though she has done so many injustices and twisted things like a bully and assault her sibling for just being quirkless. Now speaking about being quirkless, izuku had realized what izumi inheriting one for all meant. That all might was too quirkless, and he listened further and heard izumi saying why can't izuku inherit one for all and all might said that izuku doesn't has what it takes to be a hero the last part broke izuku completely.

His idol his father the sadness the anger all of it he stormed to his room starting to trash it ripping all the all might posters on the wall took his all might action figure and look at it then it began to say I am here haha I am here shut the fuck up izuku said as he threw the action figure at the wall breaking it in half, he needed to get out of the house and the only way to do that is to run away and he took the first option not thinking of the second or third.

Let me see note books check, pencil and pens check clothes and pants and spare check an all might toothbrush izuku said while looking at it he snap the brush's head and made a shank out of it and stabbed the last poster of all might in the head, he took a peace of paper and a pencil to make a note while crying.

I hope you have fun sis with mom and assmight Izuku said with venom in his mouth as he looks out the window to jump from it then he started to run to the beach full of trash not knowing that he's being followed by someone, arriving at the beach he started to unleash his anger without people around to hear him.

Then he stopped and listened that someone was right behind him he slowly looked to the ground and saw a metal pipe he slowly took it from the ground and swung at the mysterious person that has followed him to the beach, the man caught it it and took it away from izuku.

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