Chapter Five: Nora West-Allen

Start from the beginning

" Come on Nora! Can you not go two seconds without thinking about your parents!" she said, scolding herself aloud.

" Also, I really need to stop talking aloud, I sound like I'm insane," she added as she brushed her hand over Gideon's stand.

"Hello Nora West-Allen. How mmmaaay I helllppp you?" Gideon said as her transparent blue holographic form appeared in front of Nora.

" Gideon? What happened to you?" Nora asked as she looked at Gideon. She looked almost... broken? Her holo-form kept glitching mid air, disappearing and reappearing on and off, and her voice was extremely choppy.

" I am sorry for concerning you, Nora. Allow me to expppplllllain." Gideon said as her voice continued to give out.

" I am the back-up entity assigned to take care of this Time Vault after the primary one has been reassigned."

" Wait, reassigned?" Nora asked confusedly.

" Yes. The primary Gideon was taken by an accepted user approximately 15 hours ago. When she was removed, I caaaaammme online."

" Do you still have access to all of 'primary' Gideon's memories?"

" Negative. I have all of the core functions that I was programmed with, and have no data entries since being put into service."

" Do you know who took the other Gideon?"

" Negative. I have noooo data entriiiieesss prior to being activated, at which time primary Gideon was already taken."

" So there's nothing that you can do to help me find out who has the other Gideon?"

" Negative. I am sorry, Nora West-Allen."

Nora thought this all over. It was obvious that whomever broke Thawne out had also taken Gideon, but why? What were they planning? And most importantly, who was it? The fact that they could access the Time Vault didn't narrow it down at all. Everyone that was a suspect before still was, because they all had access to it, or could've easily found someone who did.

" I wish that dad was here. He'd know what to do." she sighed aloud before she could stop herself.

" Your father isssss here, Nora West-Allen." Gideon said casually.

Nora immediately stopped pacing and froze in her tracks. " Really?!? Where is he?!" she exclaimed as she rushed back over to Gideon's stand.

" He isss in theeee Haallll of Villains'' Gideon stated. One of the grey lit walls next to Nora came to life as a current time recording of the Hall of Villains appeared. Nora gasped, a tear or two of joy coming to her eyes, as she saw her father there, looking at one of his villain's suits.

She immediately sped out of the Time Vault and across the museum to the Hall of Villains, her mind racing as she ran.

He came back for me! He's really here! Has he come to give me a second chance, to let me say sorry, to say sorry for leaving me, to bring me home?

When she got there, Barry still had his back turned to her, as he admired the Savitar Armor.

" Dad?" Nora said, a hopeful look worn across her face as her voice started to crack.

" Hello Nora." he said, not turning to face her.

" Have you come back to give me a second chance?" she asked, hope filling her heart.

" I promise that it won't be a mistake! I'll do whatever you want to earn back your trust! I'll.."

" I think that you are misunderstanding why I'm here." Barry started, cutting her off.

The Flash: Broken Bonds: A West-Allen Family StoryWhere stories live. Discover now