Dear Captain

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Dear Captain Barrington-Stowsworth (or can I call you Alastair?),

As it turns out, I need a distraction, too. My problems are nowhere near as bad as yours, of course, but still not good. What can we talk about to distract ourselves, if I don't want to talk about my reality and you don't want to talk about yours? Movies? Music? Politics? Well, maybe not politics since that's kind of related to war, which you don't want to talk about. Hmm. Maybe we could just write questions back and forth? I always like doing those way-too-personal quizzes online and stuff. So, here's a start:

When is your birthday? How old are you? What's your star sign? If you believe in that bullshit (if you do, sorry). What is your favourite animal? Your favorite book? Any brothers or sisters? How's your relationship with your parents? Who is your best friend? What is your favorite colour? Favorite subject in school? Favorite genre of music? Favorite actor or actress?

I don't know. I'm just going off the top of my head, here. I'm glad you liked my first letter, but it's weird that you thought it was a joke. I didn't think there was anything really funny about it. Anyway. One more letter written, another bonus point for me. I might pass this class yet.

See you around,

Max Callan

Shall Not Sleep [bxb]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora