Katarina took a deep breath, then channeled her magic with both hands.

"Nature, I plead to you. I am Katarina Claes, a small noblewoman of the Claes family. I wish to have the permission to control nature as I please. I promise to never use these powers for evil, only for protection.

. . .

And maybe to show off but that can be counted out if that's not allowed,"

The wind seemed to blow heavier by the minute. Katarina kept channeling her energy while being hyper aware of her surroundings. Suddenly, she felt the energy of her magic shift.

She took a deep breath, opened her eyes, then placed her palms on the barren part of the field.

The field glowed a bright color of emerald green, similarly tinted to the magic Katarina was channeling earlier. Before her very eyes, the field began growing grass at a fast rate.

It didn't take too long for the entire field to be covered in grass again. Katarina's eyes widened in surprise, taking in the reality of what she had just done.

Before she could stand, she felt her head ache as the world spun around her.

"What's.... wha..."

She tried to stand up, only to fall back on the ground again, her head still spinning. She kept trying to take deep breaths in order to help her body calm down, however everything went black after that.


Katarina slowly opened her eyes, before closing them again as she felt a painful twitch on her head.


"You know when I said you were stubborn, I didn't mean you HAD to be more stubborn than you already were," She heard Ms. Ann say.

She then heard a tray being placed on the table next to her bed. Katarina tried to lift an arm, but she was too weak to even turn her head.

"Why do I feel so much pain." Katarina asked before groaning after trying to lift a leg.

Ms. Ann sighed.

"The field you were practicing on was suddenly covered in luscious grass again. Not only that, we found you passed out on the field as well. I have reason to believe that both circumstances must be connected to each other,"

"Wait... That wasn't a dream? That was real?'

"Ah, so you did have something to do with the grass,"

"I GREW GRASS-- ow..." Katarina groaned after her head twitched again.

"Please take a rest Lady Katarina. Your body will collapse in on itself if you keep pushing yourself too far,"

"I didn't mean to push myself too far, I was simply testing if what I read could have been real,"

"What did you read?"

"That if I kept channeling my magic on nature, then I could possibly command it. I wasn't expecting to grow an entire field's worth of grass." Katarina finished, successfully raising her hand this time and smiling brightly.

Ms. Ann sighed.

"I hope you're aware of how shaken the entire household becomes whenever something bad happens to you," Ms. Ann started.

My Next Life as a Villainess: Rewriting Katarina's PathsWhere stories live. Discover now