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Life has been full of press this past week, from interviews to photo shoots and even more paparazzi following us than ever before. It's felt like every time we leave our apartment someone finds us and a picture winds up on the internet. I've gotten used to less than flattering photos of myself appearing on twitter or instagram but what i don't think i'll get used to is the tabloid articles that people have started writing about me. They wanna know anything they can about my personal life and my past; some people from my hometown decided they would find old high school pictures of me and sell them to these magazines to plaster all over.

Aside from that life's been good the past couple weeks. My restraining order came through and just for extra safety we put a security system up in the apartment.

Today we are going to a photo studio to shoot for VMAN magazine, we were up and out the door at the lovely hour of 5 am.

As Austin was walked through the itinerary of the day with the set manager i walked along the wall and combed through the outfits they had chose for him to wear, all i have to say is god bless this stylist.

Leather, vests and a sheer shirt that left nothing to the imagination.

As we walked to the first few locations there was a whole crew following, hair and makeup, his stylist following with the next outfits in hand and the photographer.

Austin was sat on the curb of this very low traffic street, thank god and he was asked to lie down on his side. His bare chest visible, arms covered by a leather jacket, black trousers and a belt with a subtle western flare. His chin went down ever so slightly and his eyes flashed up to the camera giving the photographer one of the best photos i had ever seen him take.

As the click of the camera went off they moved Austin all around in different positions, he was stood against a wall and removed his jacket bringing his hand up to his face as the camera went off he looked over to me as i stared at him in bewilderment. I'll never get over how truly gorgeous that man is.

We walked back to the studio and there was a girl about my age standing in front of the back drop getting a few pictures taken. I hadn't seen her in here earlier when we got here.

The set manager stepped over to Austin and I, "For these next couple photos they wanna include a woman" He gestured over to the tall brunette "This is Victoria, she's gonna be standing in."

Austin raised a brow to the man, "I don't mean to over step but why do we need to include her?"

"It's more to tell the story, you are playing Elvis, a known ladies man."

Austin looked down to me and then back to the man "I understand sir but.."

The photographer butted in, cutting Austin off. "Im not suggesting aren't suggesting you are available Mr. Butler it's just a photo."


"Go on and get changed then we will get finished up"

We walked back towards the dressing room for Austin to change into his last outfit. On the rack hung a sheer black shirt and another pair of black trousers.

As he undressed i could see the unsettlement in his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know how i feel about this"

"Why not?"

"I don't know it just seems like they are trying to make me out as a ladies man and i don't want what image"

it all started in vegasWhere stories live. Discover now