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I don't think i'm built for the fast life.....

48 hours in Australia and i feel like we haven't stopped since we landed, it's been non stop phone calls about when to be where and in the process of all that try to find time to get settled into our apartment.

This is the first time we have had to sit down and neither of us wanted to get up but things had to be done. We needed to unpack, get groceries and figure out how we are gonna navigate all this. We only have tonight because tomorrow starts it all, Austin's call time is 8 am for a hair and make up screen test.

He's been practicing, studying and trying to capture Elvis's humanity for almost six months now and i think he's got it down pretty damn good if i do say so myself. I'll catch him singing and swinging his hips while standing in the kitchen, sometimes in the shower he will go full blown Elvis mode and have himself a concert in there.

I was not planning to go to set with him on his first day but he insisted i was there because he wanted moral support. I could see his nerves growing the later into the night we get, he has had plenty of fittings and done some vocal recordings already but this is the first time everything has been all put together and i can see it getting the better of him.

I walk out of our bedroom and into the kitchen to find him putting away the refrigerated groceries and singing to himself.

He was quiet but i could still hear his sweet voice singing 'Baby, Let's Play House'.

"I gotta say i'm rather excited to see you in full performance mode"

His head whips around to me "You scared the mess outta me." He closed the fridge and walked over to stand in front of me. "You will be there for it all, tomorrow is the dry run for the Louisiana Hayride performance."

His hands move to slide lazily around my hips and looks down to me.

"Ooo..That means pink suit right?" A twitch of excitement runs through me at the thought of him dancing around in a pink silk suit.

He scoffs as laugh at me "Yes that means the pink suit"

"Thank god" I give him an over-exaggerated sigh of relief which only causes him to completely lose himself in laughter.

The rest of our evening was rather mundane we finished putting all the essentials away and tried to get to bed early so we weren't as tired in the morning but that didn't happen.

Austin had a full blown panic attack at about 3am, he had been laying there staring at the wall stuck in his head for hours and it must have all just bubbled to the surface. I tried my best to talk him through it and calm him down but words weren't doing the trick. He ended up laying on my chest while i ran my fingers through his hair just talking to him about anything other than this movie. Eventually he fell asleep but stayed wrapped around me all night.

This morning was the very definition of hell. We woke up at 7 absolutely exhausted trying to get ourselves together and out the door. By some stroke of luck we made it on time with ten minutes to spare.

We got to his trailer just as the hair, makeup and wardrobe team were coming in to get him ready. I was huddled up in the back corner just trying to stay out of the way while they worked but i had blocked my view of him by sitting here so i had to sit patiently until he was completely done.

An hour later everyone had filed out of the trailer to let him change into the suit and I was practically bouncing off the walls with anticipation waiting for him to walk out of that bathroom.

Slick styled black hair, that single curled piece that fell on his forehead, the eyeliner and that damn pink suit. He looks like the definition of perfection, my eyes couldn't concentrate on one specific place and he was definitely taking note of my reaction.

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