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'Should we just search romantic comedies on Netflix and see what we find?'

The music rang out through the kitchen as i stood at the sink cleaning the dishes. Austin was out at the store so i took full advantage of being alone. I turned the music and danced my way around the kitchen.

'I told you but i know you never listen'

I sang along to the words at full volume completely unaware of the man that was now standing in the entryway.

'Wo..Woman.... la la la la la'

I turned around to put the glass i had just cleaned back into the cabinet and my heart fell out of my ass at the sight of Austin leaning against the door frame.

"Jesus....How long have you been there?"

He laughs and starts to move towards me, "Long enough to see a little of this going on" His hips shake playfully in an attempts to mock my movements.

"Ha ha, very funny"

His hands met my hips before pulling me closer to him, "I quite like finding you dancing in our kitchen."

I'll never get used to him saying 'our' in any context, we've been in Australia and living together for a little over a month now but it still doesn't feel like we really live together. At least to me.

"You wanna go out tonight?" His eyes fluttered down to mine

"Sure, where'd you have in mind?"

"Well now you've got me in the mood for dancing, and as i recall you are rather fond of dancing with me."

I scoffed a laugh at him, "What gave you that idea?"

His lips fell down to the base of my neck and kissed upwards toward my ear, "Last time i had you dancin', that little heart beat of yours gave away all your dirty little thoughts."

My head fell more to the side allowing him more access to my neck, "I don't know what you mean" i say as innocently as i possibly could.

"Oh yes you do sweetheart, just like right now. I can see your pulse quickening in your neck just from me kissing on you"

I felt the blush creeping onto my face, i stepped back and playfully swatted his arm, "Oh hush"

A grin graced his face and he let out a breathy laugh. "It's okay baby, no need to deny it. I know what i do to you."

He walked behind me heading towards the living room but not before he gave my ass a little tap and sent a wink my way.

I shook my head at his antics and went back to finishing up the dishes.

After i had cleaned up the kitchen i walked into the living room and sat myself down on the couch right next to Austin. He's been on a short break from filming this week and i have taken full advantage of having him all to myself. I forgot how much i missed going to bed with him and not having to rush out in the mornings. We haven't left the apartment much because most days we don't leave bed unless it's for food.

He's got two days left till he's back to work and i can tell he's starting to get antsy. He hardly leaves my side and his hands never leave some part of my body if he can help it. Most people are turned off by clingy people but it didn't bother me, especially since i knew that in a few days i'd be back to hardly having time with him.

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