The Piano Room

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"you sure can sing"

Four little words that made me want to shrink myself and be able to hide from the fact that someone actually heard my voice.

Some may think i'm overreacting but if you have anxiety you know the feeling, the smallest things can set it off and cause a full spiral im my whirlwind of a mind.

I look around to find the man i heard say those little words to me, and i am welcomed to a tall figure walking towards me at the piano bench.

"don't stop on my account"

At a full loss for words i see the face of the man that was approaching me and i feel the anxiousness float out of my body.  His piercing blue eyes shine out to me even in the dimly lit room we were sat in, the shadows play into the sharp contours of his face making them seem all the more striking, he's now in full view to my eyes and i find myself unable to speak. About thirty seconds go by of me very obviously staring at this man in awe before the thought crossed my mind that i probably seem creepy.

"oh um, sorry i just wasn't expecting anyone to be down here at this hour"

A blush creeps onto my face as he stares down at me, he's already significantly taller than my five foot one self so the fact that i'm sitting and he's standing next to me is slightly intimidating.

"i wasn't expecting anyone either but i can confidently say i'm glad you had the same idea i did"

"what idea is that?"

after i say that i realized it's blatantly obvious that he meant to play the piano but again i am intimidated and anxious i'm just glad any logical words are coming out of my mouth at this point.

"to play the piano without an audience of people in the lobby" and smile crossed his face "but i guess i ruined that part of it for you"

I let out small laugh at his comment "it's okay, i just got in this evening and was to impatient to wait till tomorrow so i thought i'd head down here tonight and give it a go"

"well you play and sing beautifully, your voice seems like it was made for that song" he moves around the piano to sit next to me on the bench with a smile on his face and extents his hand to mine "im austin"

Nerves rack my whole body but i suddenly don't feel anxious anymore, the burning in my stomach was replaced with the unfamiliar feeling of butterflies taking over. His smile is contagious as i put my hand in his
"im camille"

"It's a pleasure to meet you camille"
Our hands stay in each other's for what feels like forever when i finally pull back and return to face the piano.

"It's nice to meet you too, so you play the piano?"

i was searching for any sort of conversation i could start with him, i try to stay focused on the piano because i find my eyes wandering to look at him a little more than i probably should. There's a familiarity to him but i can't place it.

"I dabble, i'm nowhere near the level you seem to be but i know a song or two. i prefer the guitar."

When i go to look back at him he begins to play Are you lonesome tonight?. Just before he made his presence know to me this was i had began to play. I watch him play the keys before he begins to sing 
"are you lonesome tonight?
do you miss me tonight?
are you sorry were drifting apart"

My heart swells at his voice, it was deep yet soft, a nagging voice in the back of my head told me to sing with him but the nerves held me back, so i watched in awe of the most handsome man i had ever seen sing my favorite song with the most beautiful voice, that might i add was eerily similar to a young Elvis.

He looked to me while he continued as if he was asking me to join,
" does your memory stray to a brighter summer day"
For some reason unknown to me i feel the next lyric bubbling out of my mouth, i have to look directly in front of me and close my eyes but the words flow out in harmony with his

"when i kissed you and called you sweetheart? do the chairs in your parlor seem empty and bare? do you gaze at your doorstep and picture me there?"

I feel his eyes on me and i have the urge to turn and look at him but i know when i do my voice will cease to exist. We continue to the end and i finally turn to him and find him eying me with a questioning look on his face yet when he speaks he doesn't ask what i know he's thinking instead

"you have fascinating eyes"

"oh um.. thank you? i have Heterochromia, its a genetic thing where half my eye is green and the other half is blue"

He stifles a laugh at my nervous rambling but doesn't seem deterred which is a good thing because i do that a lot.

"Do i make you nervous sweetheart?"

My brain feels like it goes into overload at the word sweetheart crossing those lips. Do i feel nervous? um hell yes! a gorgeous man is sitting here singing elvis with me and staring into my damn soul. Did i mention i met him like 15 minutes ago and he could be an axe murder or something, he's probably not but the point is i don't really know this guy. However i'd very much like to. 

"um, slightly. nothing personal i've just never sang with a stranger in a dark room at 3 am"

He lets out a laugh that i feel through my body, it's as contagious as that smile he wears so wonderfully.

"well when you say it like that i sound a little creepy. and i promise you that was not my intention." he holds up his hands in surrender "i've never sang in a dark room with a stranger at 3 am either so i guess we are in the same boat"

I laugh at his gesture and he laughs right along with me. We sat im silence for a few moments before i feel the affects of my flight taking over and my eyes holding a blink longer and longer.

"well it's getting late and i spent the better part of this day on a plane or in an airport so i should probably be off to bed" when the words leave my mouth i feel a sudden sink in my stomach that i am not familiar with, i hardly know this man and yet here i am kind of scared i won't see him again.

"i won't keep you any longer then, i have enjoyed this maybe i'll have the privilege to run into you again before you leave" a shy smile plays on his lips and i can't help but return it, he begins to walk me to the door of the piano room.

"i will be here for a while so there's a good chance we'll see each other again"

"i will be here for a while too, i'll be sure to see you again sweetheart"

We exchange a longing glance and a smile as i make my way to the elevator and up to my room. Once behind the door i crash onto the floor with my head im my hands and the biggest smile on my face. What the hell just happened?

it all started in vegasWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu