Welcome to Memphis

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It's way too early, I have a love hate relationship with the airport, I like flying but being up this early in the morning is not my idea of a good time. On top of not being a morning person, I was up all night on the phone with Austin, he called me while I was cooking yesterday and we ended up talking till 3 am, which normally I wouldn't complain about but I had to be up at seven to catch this flight.

My flight is rather short but I know it is gonna feel like forever with the anticipation of seeing him again. I tried to look somewhat presentable but i've been up since seven and had about four hours of sleep so I did the best I could with what i had going on, spandex shorts, a long graphic tee, some sneakers and the absolute bare minimum amount of make up on my face.

Once it's time for take off I try to get some sleep before I get there because it's not likely i'm gonna have time to nap once i'm in Memphis, however my mind has other ideas. Ever since I decided to make this trip my mind has tried to take me to the bad place. I did my best to ignore the negativity but sometimes it won.

'This is a fling for him, he will see you for a few more weeks then start filming and forget all about you.' 

'He will leave you just like everyone else'

That last one stuck with me more than I cared to admit, I have a rather lengthy list of things in my life I'd rather forget but nothing tops my mother.

I have lived with Gram since I was five, my mom dropped me off one day to go to work and never came back. I only hear from her when she needs money or to yell at me for not being a good daughter and taking care of her.

As for my dad he died when i was three, from what i know he was a great guy who did everything and more for my mother and me but she couldn't step and be an adult when he was gone so, off I went. I was an inconvenience to everyone but Gram. We didn't have much when I was young but she made my childhood the absolute best she could, and i'll never be able to repay her for that.

I spent the better half of my teenage years trying to compensate for that in a very unhealthy way, that's how I met James, he was the result of one bad choice after the other, and in the end he did nothing but dig the hole I had tried to bury myself in deeper.

Austin was a breath of fresh air to me, he's respectful, mature, damn near perfect and I think that's what scares me, is he too good to be true? Only time would tell but I know one thing, i'm not the girl I used to be, I swore to myself that night I  walked out of James apartment I was going to change, not let people walk all over me anymore and take care of myself first.

"Ladies and Gentleman, Welcome to Memphis"

Oh damn so much for sleeping.

I grab my bag from the overhead and start to walk towards the door, outside the gate I send Austin a text to let him know I had landed and was walking towards baggage claim. After a few minutes there was no response, maybe his flight was delayed or his phone is still on airplane mode.

I get to baggage claim and sit on the small bench while I wait for my bag to come around.

"My my, aren't you a sight for sore eyes"

My head whips around in surprise at the voice coming from behind. I move around the bench to stand in front of him unsure if I should hug him or grab his stupidly beautiful face and kiss him. I chose a hug because i'm a chicken and siked myself out.

I wrap my arms around his waist and push my face into his chest "Hi'

He tightens his arms around my shoulders and places a kiss to the top of my head "Hi sweetheart"

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