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*Hi guys! I wanna preface this chapter by saying that i am not totally following the actual time line of all the Elvis movie promo and interviews, im moving things around to fit the story better.
Please don't forget to Vote and Comment :) *

We were everywhere...For the first time in a while i opened up my social medias and i'll be damned if i've ever seen this many pictures of myself. It really wasn't hard to figure out where we were, at any point when we were out in public someone spotted us and tagged the location in the picture.

Since the James incident a couple days ago i've been in contact with the police trying to figure out how to get a restraining order in place, it's difficult because my permanent residence isn't here in Australia so they have had to look into a special circumstances R.O which takes forever.

I thankfully haven't heard from James anymore since that day. Austin and I's dynamic has changed because of that situation and it's taking a toll on me. I know he fears for me but he's letting it control our life. We haven't left the house except to go to set, every night we order in for dinner and he's turned down every invitation from the other cast members and crew to go out after work.

Today Austin has an interview with GQ about all things surrounding the role of Elvis. He's got to bring 10 things he can't live without for a segment so he's been digging around the apartment all morning trying to put something together. I heard him in the kitchen digging around in the fridge as i came out of the bedroom.

"What are you looking for?" I look down at him over the refrigerator door.

"Do we have anymore of that Yerba Mate?"

"There's a couple in the cabinet"

He quickly stood and pressed a kiss to my cheek, "Thank you"

"Are you really taking that to the interview?" I couldn't help but laugh as i looked around the kitchen and saw the array of things he had collected to take with him.

"I couldn't think of anything else past the guitar, my boots and my camera, so i'm making it up as i go now."

"What about that candle i bought the other day. That's become a thing you can't live without" I can't help but laugh.

I went out with Baz and Olivia to some of the local shops around town a couple weeks ago and found this candle that smelled like Coffee and Whiskey, the minute i lit it Austin was obsessed and said we needed another for our bedroom.

"Ha Ha, The scent of that damn thing is addicting i can't help it."

I try to gather the things he's collected on the counter and put them into a bag.

"You only have nine."

His head snaps to mine, "No i had ten i counted twice" He looks around and points to each item counting. "Damn"

"Guess you gotta find one more"

"Think i could use a person?"

"I'm gonna go with no"

He laughs and shakes his head, "Well damn"

After another hour of searching for his tenth item we are finally in the car and heading to the studio for the interview.

The atmosphere in here is very different than it is on set, i have gotten so comfortable and used to being on the movie set with him that it didn't feel like anything abnormal. Being here really kicks things in perspective, Austin's the real deal.

After he makes sure i'm comfortable he headed over to the table with the interviewer. She asked him everything from getting the role to preparing for the big screen.

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