Chapter 95

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It is time
WARNING: Character death, gore detail

Remus stared down at the cloud in his hand. Was... Was this what excess magic looked like?

He turned his hand around slowly. The cloud floated over the back of his hand. It seemed to be reached out, reaching up, and pushing into his mind.

Remus' eyes widened and he threw the cloud away quickly. It hit the wall and dispersed into nothing.

"What... did you do?" Janus rasped, dragging himself to his feet. He still kept his arm wrapped around his middle.

"I don't know." Remus said. Janus' scrunched his nose up and rolled his eyes.

"Another thing you won't teach me?" He spat. A ball of white hot magic appeared in his left hand. "Fine." He threw it at Remus.

Remus reached up to protect his face and braced for impact. But nothing came.

Slowly, he opened his eyes and lowered his hands. The magic seemed to be caught between him and Janus. Janus looked just as confused as he felt.

"How are you doing that?" Janus whispered in awe. Remus shook his head.

"I really don't know."

Janus opened his mouth to say something but let out a grunt of pain instead and jerked forward. He wrapped both arms around his middle but the magic still hung in the air between them.

"Stop it."

"I- I can't!" Remus shook his hand but it seemed that the magic was stuck to him. Now he looked closer, he could see it was slowly moving towards him. Into him. Out of Janus.

"Stop it!"

"I don't know how!"

Without thinking, Remus wrapped both hands around the rope of magic and pulled. Janus cried out.

"Stop it! Stop it, you're-" The words merged into a yell. Janus lifted his face towards Remus, eyes closed tight in pain.

His scales were peeling away from his face. Remus watched in horror as the green scales peeled away from Janus' skin, leaving uncovered flesh behind. The flesh blackened and disappeared into dust.

Janus screamed.

The black blood that had congealed around his nails for so long suddenly spread up his fingers. It covered his entire bare hand and his single glove quickly turned red. The black flesh turned to dust, leaving dark bones behind.

Remus tried letting go of whatever was making this happen but it did no good. Janus fell to his knees, lips peeling away from his teeth, bare bone clattering against each other, and screamed.

"Remus!" He begged. "Remus please, plea-" Blood poured out of his mouth, covering his chin and turning black before it hit the floor. Janus opened his eyes and now Remus screamed.

His eyeballs were gone.

Blood poured from his eye sockets as well. There wasn't a shred of flesh left on his face, just blood-soaked, black bones.

With a sickening crash, Janus' remains crumbled to the floor. They turned to dust on impact.

The magic finally stopped flowing. All that was left of the Lord of All Evil was a pile of dust and a torn cobweb cloak.

Remus felt the whole world turn sideways and stumbled against the wall. He sank to his knees, hardly daring to believe it.

His tongue felt dry and huge in his mouth. He swallowed. "Janus?" He croaked. "I know I said no more mind tricks but... now would be the time to come out and laugh."




"Janus?!" Remus cried, tears springing to his eyes. "Janus, you got what you wanted! You got it! You win! I admit it, I'm weak! I still need you! I admit it, I admit it! I still love you!" The tears rolled down his cheeks. "Jan, please, I'm sorry! Please!"

Please, please, please...

It bounced off the stone walls, like it was taunting him.

Remus screamed, a wordless yell. He was losing his mind. He couldn't take it anymore!

First Patton, then Roman, now...

He couldn't take it...

Not now. Not anymore...

Why did he have to ruin everything?!

I should not be getting this excited over death

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