Chapter 4

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"Listen well and heed my words, all of you." Smoke swirled around Janus' hand. "Though the Prince shall grow in - what was it?" He turned to Virgil and Roman. "Bravery and empathy? How sweet." He rolled his eyes and turned back to the cradle. "Though the Prince shall grow in bravery and empathy, beloved by all who he comes across, his time will end. Far sooner than hoped for on the eve of his 16th birthday, when the sun has left the sky, he will prick his finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die."

There was a crack of blinding light and Janus vanished. Where he had stood, a black, splintered spindle lay. Virgil snatched it up before anyone else could reach it and hurled it from the castle.

The queen and king were on their feet, Patton held tightly by the queen. All that could be seen of him was the smallest bronze curl and his blue swaddling robes. Still, he slept peacefully, unaware of the threat that had been made on his life.

"Find him." The king ordered. He turned to the guards posted by the thrones. "Find him, I don't care where you have to look but find that- that sorcerer. And see that he revokes what he has done."

The guards bowed shortly before leaving. Virgil shook his head and stepped towards the royals.

"Your Majesty, if I may," he said, "Janus won't be found."

"He will." The king insisted. "I'll make sure of it."

Virgil shook his head. "You won't find him." He said. "Not if he doesn't want to be found. And even if you do find him, he won't revoke his curse."

"Janus isn't the type to go back on things." Remus mumbled. "Not promises, not curses. Nothing."

"Then there's no way to undo his magic?" The queen asked. Virgil shook his head gravely and she slumped back against her throne, hugging her son to her chest.

Roman looked over at his brother - frozen numbly in place - and his eyes lit up with an idea. "What if there was a way?" He asked.

"Roman, you know there-" Virgil started, turning around. He stopped, catching onto Roman's idea. "You mean Remus?"

Remus looked up. "Mean me what?"

"You haven't given your gift, Re." Roman said slowly. Remus' eyes widened.

"Ro, please." He hissed. "You know I can't."

"Why not?" Roman asked. "He doesn't control you anymore."

"He never did." Remus said defensively. "Besides, I couldn't. Not enough power, remember?"

"We never said you had to undo it." Roman said gently. "Just... help a little."

"How?!" Remus asked desperately. "I can't!"

"At least try." Remus looked from Roman to Virgil and sighed. He turned his wand over in his hands and sighed again.

"Fine." He stepped up to the thrones. "Your Majesties?" He asked. "I, um, I have not yet given my gift. Perhaps... perhaps I could help?"

The king and queen looked at each other. The queen's grip on Patton loosened slightly, so that he was no longer clutched tightly to her chest.

"Whatever you can do." The king said. "Please. Help."

Remus took a deep breath and pushed his sleeves up. "I can't undo it." He began. "None of us ever could. Janus has magic far surpassing any of ours. But I can make it less so damning." He shook his wand slightly and began his spell.

"Prince Patton, so tiny and true, if through this wicked spell, a spindle should your finger prick, do not despair. For, not in death, just sleep, you shall lie. For 100 years, ageless sleep shall protect you until true love's kiss the spell does break." Green stars surrounded the prince and the spell was done.

Remus shrugged helplessly and stepped back. Roman smiled a little at him.

"We've done all we can." Virgil said, looking from the fairies to the royals. "If there's any other way we can help, don't be afraid to ask."

Wow, Chapter 4 already and this story's going nowhere.

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