Chapter 88

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Logan crept out across the courtyard. He kept his ears pricked for any sign of life aside from himself. As far as he could tell, there was nothing.

He swallowed and stepped out from the safety of the wall. Keeping to the shadows, he snuck over to the stables and threw himself against the wall. Trying to make yourself small was impossible when you were nearly twice the height of most people. But, somehow, Logan managed it.

He cast one last glance up at the castle. The candles from the lanterns threw cutting shadows across the walls. While most kingdoms went for shining marble or glittering granite, his father had opted for something a lot plainer. Brown sandstone and black shingled roof. It gave the effect of the castle being warm and inviting, always open to those in need.

Logan wouldn't miss it.

Listening out for the snores of the stable hand, Logan nearly ran over to Sampson. Sampson opened his eyes blearily and was about to make a noise of alarm but Logan shushed him quickly.

"Quiet." He hissed, stroking Sampson's mane. "It's me, you great idiot. Can't you see that? Yeah, it's alright. Just silly old Logan." He shushed Sampson before, sure he was definitely awake, opening the stable door and leading him out.

"Yeah, that's it. Just silly old Logan taking you for a midnight ride." Logan whispered as he saddled Sampson quickly and climbed over. He settled his bag on his back more comfortably. "Yeah. Just a silly little ride over the river and into the forest. Doesn't sound too bad, does it?" He drove his heels into Sampson's sides, urging him forward. "That's it, let's go."

Patton had never paced before. But he'd never had this much restless energy, he supposed.

He'd started by sitting at the vanity, staring at his reflection. He'd tried to imagine a crown sat in the middle of his hair. What kind of crown would it be? Logan had never talked about anything like crowns and he'd never worn one when he and Patton had met up.

Thinking about Logan had made it impossible to sit still so Patton had gotten up. The skirt whispered along the floor when he walked. He'd always loved that sound. Now it sounded creepy and out of place in such a quiet room.

Patton was out of place.

He'd gone over to the window, leaning his hands on the sill and staring out at the celebrations. Bunting seemed to be hung from every roof and chimney. Not that Patton could see anything in the slowly dying light. The sun was behind him but there was no window on the opposite side. He couldn't watch the sun set on his last day as a normal person. A normal nobody.

And Logan! What would Logan think - what would Logan say - when he got to Patton's house and found there was no one there? Would he see there was no candle in the window and wait there all night? Wait for 100 years like he'd once wildly promised Patton he would?

Of course, he hadn't promised Patton. Not Prince Patton of Iredia. No, he'd promised Pat. Pat the woodcutter's son. Pat the nobody. Pat who wasn't afraid of anything, who laughed whenever he wanted to because he was free. Free to do as he pleased. Because he was the opposite of Logan.

And he was everything Logan wanted to be.

Patton couldn't keep still. So he paced. He paced and he twisted his hands and he bunched up his skirts and he thought. He couldn't stop the race of thoughts through his head. And he couldn't stop the slowly dying light, counting down the hours to the curse being over. Counting down the hours until he was a prince again.

16. It had seemed like such a big number. Now it seemed so small. A prince at 16. And what did he know about ruling? What did he know about anything?


Patton's head shot up. He stopped dead still. Someone had called his name. Someone outside the door. And it had sounded like-



"Lo?" Patton called back.

"Pat?! Where are you? I can't find you!"

Patton laughed in relief. He felt tears well up in his eyes and saw them blur his vision. He ran over to the door and pulled it open.

"Lo! I'm here, I'm up here!" He yelled.

"Pat?" The voice came from above him now. Patton looked up the stairs and saw the glimmer of yellow candlelight. "Pat, what're you doing down there? Come up here, there's so much to see! It's beautiful."

Patton laughed again, this time with delight. Logan was here! Nevermind how he'd gotten here, he was here. And that was all that mattered. Everything would be alright, as long as Logan was here.

.... Who's gonna tell him that's not Logan? Also, sorry I've been dead to the writing world, I just had a show. It was great but I'm back now so let's keep going!

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