'Theres this romance movie! A vampire and werewolf fall in love with each other! The vampire is one of the cutest actors-'

He shut his phone and looked at Aizawa.

"There's a romance movie."

Aizawa raised a brow, a slight smile on his lips.

"Anything else?"


If looks could kill. Which makes no sense cause that hand should hide his expression but it doesn't. Tomura growled and texted Compressor.

'Movie out?'

He watched the dots for a solid minute.

'There's a thriller. A cop is assigned the case of a serial killer, he becomes more obssed with the case until he manages to find the killer. His mother-'

Tomura almost broke his phone. Fucking hell, spoiled the whole movie!! He looked back at Aizawa.

"A criminal one."

Aizawa looked up while humming. Suddenly smilling afterwards.

"Hmm, anything else?"

Okay, he's definitely doing this on purpose. Tomura growled again and looked at his contacts. Spinner? Nah, shit taste. That only leaves... Kuro. He clicked on the chat.


Kuro read it but didn't respond. Tomura got a bad feeling. Correct he was to have it since his phone started blasting 'Highway to hell' at full volume making him jump and almost dissentegrate his phone. Kuro called him. Why?! He silenced it, shit, Kuro has trouble typing. I forgot. He looked at Aizawa. The hero was using his fist to stiffle his laughter.

Tomura walked away to the movie theater without looking back. Aizawa finally laughed out loud and started walking behind him.

"Wait up! I'm too old for this!"

He finally caught up. He chuckled for a final time at Tomura's growling and took his phone out to look for a movie.

"There's a horror one, action, that romance one and thriller you mentioned too. Oh, a kids movie."

Tomura leaned closer to look at the posters. He glanced up at Aizawa.

"Which one?"

That made Aizawa gulped. Tomura noticed it, why exactly? Is he thristy? Yes, Aizawa was feeling thirsty. Not for water though. The hero coughed and pointed back at the phone, Tomura's eyes followed his finger.

"What about that action movie?"

Tomura nodded.


That seemed fun. Tomura moved away from the hero, letting him breathe properly. Now, what to talk about...?

"So, who were you texting?"

"The assholes from my organization-"

Shit. Aizawa quickly realized what Tomura was thinking and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I didn't mean it like that, I wasn't trying to fish out information."

Really? Tomura wanted to believe it.

".... I see. Good. There's no fish in this pond."

"Heh, I was just observing the water."

As always, silence. Aizawa is really messing up today. What other thing can we talk about? Oh! Aizawa cleared his throat.

"That curry, why did you decide to cook it?"

Tomura shrugged.

"You cooked for me before, plus, you said it had been awhile since you ate homemade food... So I asked a, uncle of mine. And he taught me the recipe."

So, Tomura remembers that off-hand comment I made on the second date- no, uh, meeting. Aizawa hid his small smile from sight.

"What's your favorite food?"


"That's desert."

Tomura growled.

"Ugh, then... Spaghetti. And you?"

Huh, what not expecting that.

"I don't really have a preference. And, why spaghetti?"

"Well... My dad would often make it for me. As a secret meal when it was... Yeah."

Why would a meal have to be secret? Even though I want to know, Tomura didn't press me when I almost talked about Oboro. So Aizawa just hummed as a reply while they kept walking.

Although they didn't talk for the rest of the walk, Aizawa didn't find it awkward. They even reached the movie theater faster than he thought.
Walking to the ticket book and ordering them, Aizawa pulled his wallet out but Tomura stopped him. A blue and red wallet in his hand. The hero raised a brow while Tomura payed.

"That's, not yours. Right?"

"Uh, kinda?"

Tomura waved his hand and went to buy popcorn. Aizawa was really worried. Whose wallet was that? Should he even ask? Yeah, lets not ask. Aizawa grabbed the drinks while Tomura took the popcorn. Then his phone started buzzing. Tomura read the name.

"You wanted to know whose wallet this was, right?"

He pressed answer. Shifting the phone in front of them without pressing speaker. The caller ID said 'dipshit.'

"You fucking wannabe boss did you take my wallet??!!"

He hanged up and silenced his phone. Aizawa held his laugh as Tomura glanced at him.

"Let's go."

Well, at least he didn't steal it. They took their seats right at the top row. Tomura snacked on the popcorn while waiting for the movie to start. Aizawa reaching for a single corn made Tomura growl. The hero smirked.

"What? Never learned to share?"

The villain scoffed and moved the popcorn closer to Aizawa. The movie started, half their snacks gone because of how fast Tomura ate it. It wasn't bad, Aizawa glanced at the villain to see Tomura looking at the big screen with shinny eyes. They are really beautiful. The bright red looking even brighter because of excitement.

He seemed so amazed at the action scenes. Aizawa glanced at Tomura's hand, the villain was always careful with them. He had realized this during their dates. The villain is always mindful of where his fingers are placed. Like right now, Aizawa was sure his fists are supposed to be clenched, but his thumb was up.

It looked funny for some reason. But it shows that Tomura isn't immune to his own quirk. He was really glad he brought a gift now. Aizawa rested his face over his knuckles while watching the movie. That extreme caution could be because... He disentagrated something or someone he didn't mean to...?

The action scenes were done for now and the movie was boring. Tomura looked beside him at Aizawa. The hero smirked at a joke Tomura didn't get. I'm glad, I was worried he wouldn't like it. Hehe, I should trust Compresor more.

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