Chapter 2

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(Y/N's) POV

2 weeks later

After school, I decided to check on the internet on what those kids at school were saying.

This town ain't small so this will be fun.. Though, I have heard weird things on the internet on this town, like disappearences, strange fires, or people claiming they lost their children and being attacked by an inhuman spirit...
The recent they were talking about was a party of a few kids in the forest, and being reported by their parents for not coming back for curfew. One incident 1 year ago was a teenager boy caught in a fire with his parents, but they never found his body.
I smile widely reading every news report on my laptop screen, I know this is bad/horrible news...but it can't be helped! This is the shit I wanted to see in the town.
12 Am...
I sigh loudly and look down, sleep is such a waste of time. I press the off button on my computer as I got up to the bathroom.

As I washed my face, a crash came from my dads room and a couple of grunts. I quickly patted my face with a towel and ran to the door and opened it.


My attempts of getting up was starting to worsen from his punches, man can he hit. The door was quickly opened by a girl who looked 19, and she shrieked.
The man looked at the door before yelling.
"CALL THE COPS HU-" I kicked his stomach before getting up, as he thrashed down and groaned. The girl ran quickly to me and pushed me with her body, knocking both of us to the window sill. Her weight threw me over while my eyes widened at her sudden attack as she went along, she shrieked as we both went down to the floor.
What did I do to deserve this?!
I groaned as my back hit the pavement, while she used me as a landing pad. My scalpel fell from my pocket and inches away from us, she swiftly grabbed it as soon as she saw it. I wish I have grabbed it but she straddled my waist to keep me down and I did fall on hard concrete, making my shoulders immobile for my arms to move. They suddenly remembered when to move when she was about to stab me, I grabbed her wrists tightly as I sat up, making her fall from my waist and onto my lap. I got on my knees as I pinned her down completely.

Your POV
He had no eyes, or no eyes and black tears running on his mask, or used too. The breaths coming from my mouth became louder and showed more fear as tears threatened to fall from my eyes, he had my wrists pinned and his "eyes" trained on me. Police sirens could be heard down the street, he grunted.
"This isn't over." His voice raspy like he hasn't had water for weeks, and gruff. He got up and ran behind my house, I couldn't hold it in and sobbed while I lied down. He has seen my face, and it isn't over like he said. Every detail that he noticed from moles to every eyelash on my eyelids, everything around me was slowing down. The police brought me up from the concrete and brought me to the chair that was on the porch, tears streaming down as if it were a waterfall. They checked any injuries and noticed the scrapes on my hands and knees, my father came out and hugged me tightly. Noticing blood on his stomach and a tiny incision.
What the fuck.

Don't leave me,, Eyeless jack x  F! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now