Elvis turned his eyes towards the crowd and fiddled with his loose pant leg, preparing himself. His foot bounced off the ground repeatedly and that's when you knew, your boy would knock them dead, every single one of them.

"Well," he growled, rolling his head back as the sound of confidence erupted from within his voice.

You may go to college, you may go to school, you may have a pink Cadillac, but don't you be nobody's fool!

His words slurred as he sang into the microphone, playing the guitar as he shook the lower half of his body rather chaotically. His voice had a type of raspiness to it and it made you as well as everyone else swoon for him.

Your eyes darted to his lower half and his hips shook from left to right over and over again, and that was all anyone was really staring at. Women from all around began to stand up and rush to the stage, basically throwing themselves at your friend.

Come back, baby, I wanna play house with you.

As you tore your eyes from his hips, you met eyes with Elvis, and although he couldn't see you too well in the light, something inside told him that he knew that you were staring right back at him.

Elvis ran off the stage and into the west wing, where everyone was waiting for him. He took off his guitar and gave it to one of his band members and he began to hug everyone, starting off with his mama. Elvis hugged her tight for several minutes, the others began to make conversation with each other. Elvis made his way around the group and eventually made it to you.

You gave him a big smile and immediately embraced him, he swung you back and forth. Squealing in happiness for your friend, you pulled back to look at him. He searched your eyes and scanned your expression for what seemed like approval, again. Elvis was dripping with sweat and you didn't care one bit.

"E, you did great," you held his face in your hands, looking up at him.

"Ya think?" He grinned, his left hand shaking nervously, something he did when he was worried or excited.

"What do you mean 'ya think'? Everyone loved it!"

"Did you love it?"

You nodded vigorously, planting a kiss on his forehead. He opened his mouth to say something but his mama called you both over for a celebration dinner.

The next few months went by somewhat quickly and you could basically call it the major turning point of your life. Elvis would go on to play more and more gigs at Shell Park and more and rather quickly, Elvis became a local celebrity.

Yesterday, Elvis took you and his mama and daddy to go sign his first contract for RCA records. He was giddy about it the whole ride there. But of course, since you weren't technically family, you didn't need to sign the contract for Elvis Enterprises. You met Colonel Tom Parker and he wouldn't stop telling you how you and Elvis would rule the new generation and be the new hit couple.

You simply turned away and laughed at his comment, not hearing the small 'oh' come out of Elvis's mouth as you did so. He turned to the Colonel and started to talk business with him. You went to his mama to talk about whatever there was left to talk about.

Elvis took you all out to dinner that night due to a $5,000 bonus he received with signing the contract. At dinner, Elvis was making promises like crazy. Even if he only had $5,000, Elvis seemed to promise you all the world and then some. Everyone laughed at his crazy promises as they ate the delicious food in front of them.

"Y/n, what would you do if you suddenly got all that money?" His mama asked with a large smile.

You wanted to tell her 'move out and far away from here' but you knew that Elvis would break down if he ever heard that. So instead you went with your second option.

"A blue or pink Cadillac," you said. Elvis looked at you.

"Now what you need to be drivin' a Cadillac for?" Billy asked. Even though he was only 13 at the moment, he had the mouth of a grownup.

"What'd you ask for? A five-story mansion? Now, what do you need a mansion for?" George asked.

"For Elvis when he's famous, goes on a worldwide tour, and he needs a place for all those girls to stay!"

The table laughed, including Elvis, but you frowned. You began to move the food around your plate, losing your appetite rather quickly. You didn't know why, but you didn't like the idea of Elvis walking around sleeping around with the girls wanting to use him, only because he's famous. The thought brought a sinking feeling to your stomach.

You excused yourself from the table and stepped outside of the restaurant. The night sky brought a cool breeze and gave you some type of relief. Your pumps echoed as you stepped on the concrete.

"Lil mama, what're you doing out here?" You heard.

You turned your head ever so slightly and saw Elvis walking towards you. Continuing your walk, your hands held together behind your back, you said, "I just needed fresh air."

"You must'a really needed fresh air if ya left the table so quickly, I had to make sure they didn't food poison my lil' mama!" He joked, grabbing your hands and spinning you around to face him.

"I wish." You smiled weakly, looking up at him. You truly did love how much he cared for you, he always made you feel like you had a purpose in this world.

"Come-on, Y/n, I know ya came out here for somethin' other than fresh air." He began to fiddle with your fingers, looking at your unpolished nails. 

Shrugging, you went to sit on the bench next to the lampost. Elvis followed, resting his arm behind you once he sat down. His gaze remained on you as you looked to the ground.

"I dunno, E. It's just that comment Billy made about the girls, I guess." 

Elvis grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him. He looked beyond pissed. 

"Don't you ever listen to Billy, ever. That boy will get you killed and they'll still find a way to send your body to jail."

You laughed and rested your hand on his forearm. "E, I'm serious."

"I'm serious too, Little." He licked his lips and his eyes darted to the empty street before meeting yours again. "I won't ever have girls comin' in left and right, out there ruinin' my reputation."

"But E, you never know. I know- no, we all know that you're going to skyrocket in a matter of months and everything will change." You then stood up and crossed your arms, leaning against the lampost.  "I don't want nothin' to change, but I can't control that."

Elvis followed and stood up as well. He tilted your chin up so he could get a good look at your face and might be slightly able to read your expressions. 

"Lil mama, ain't nothin' gon' change, nothin'. I won't let it."

"You can't avoid it, Elvis, you just can't! I just don't want this new chapter in your life to change." He opened his mouth to say something but you placed a finger over his soft, pink lips. "I don't want to lose this Elvis. The silly, sweet-hearted, smart, and bright Elvis. My Elvis."

He subtly smiled and placed his hands on your hips, which immediately sent a shiver through your entire body. He licked his lips, again, and his eyes danced with your own before dropping to your lips a few times. 

You placed your hands on either side of his neck and Elvis kissed the top of your head. "My Elvis..." He repeated quietly. "I like the sound of that."

"Good, 'cause it's the truth," you nodded.

"You'll always be my bestest girl, Y/n."



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