"Snot." I huffed.

I didn't see Narcissa for three days after that. She locked her self in her room and refused to talk to anyone. I continued to leave her meals and each time, her dishes were clean in the sink, the trashcan littered with her meal. No sign of her yet. Lucius made a slight effort but by the third day I was getting worried about her. At first, I thought it would be best to leave her alone, but when I walked past her room after not seeing her for a few days and heard muffled crying, I couldn't stand it any longer.

"Narcissa?" I asked quietly, knocking on the door.

"I- I'm fine. Leave me alone."

I pushed the door open anyways and found her curled in the fetal position on the bed, muffling her crying.

"Oh... my lady..." I moved towards her and put a hand on her arm.

"I'm so sorry I've been so terrible to you. You've been nothing but kind and I know that you volunteered to do this. You probably hate me and You're right. I'm a snot!"

Not knowing exactly what to do, I laid down next to her and spooned her, trying to make her feel comforted.

"I know this is hard for you. It's a lot all at once. But I don't hate you or have any malice towards you. And you are a snot but you're my snot and there's nobody I would rather protect than you. I'm here for you Mrs. Malfoy."

"Narcissa. Call me Narcissa, Auror Albrecht."

I smiled against her head.

"Ok Narcissa. And call me Eda. Auror Albrecht influences my god complex a little too much." I said with a giggle.

She laughed at that.

"Thank you for holding me Eda. I've never had someone care for me before."

I felt a pang in my chest.

"Well... now you do. What do you say? Friends?"

She rolled over to face me.

"Friends." She smiled.

I smiled at her lightly, continuing to rub small circles over her back.

"I noticed that you and Lucius don't share the same bed. Are you lonely up here by yourself?" I asked softly.

I felt her tense and for a moment, I thought I had gone too far. But she scooted closer to me and buried her head into my chest.

"I'm lonely yes, but its hard with-"

She cut off for a moment.

"Hard with what honey?" I asked.

"I uhm... I get nightmares. Memories of the war. The death eaters in my house. The things they did..." she said, almost inaudible.

"They hurt you?!"

She nodded. I could tell a part of her was regretting telling me this. But another part was overjoyed having someone to talk to.

I felt my heart break and an overwhelming need to protect the witch in my arms.

"Cissy look at me." I said.

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