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Narcissa's expression was one of ice. But it didn't portray how she felt. Not even a little bit. I do love you! I do! She wanted to scream it until it was hammered into the woman's head. But alas, she couldn't take back what she had said. She couldn't take back last night. She never could.

"... Edaline I-"


Edaline's voice cracked, breaking as tears flowed down her cheeks. Her beautiful hazel eyes glassy, her face was filled with anguish. As if this was the worst pain she had ever felt.

"You... you played me. You used me. You made me fall in love with you, pretending to feel the same and when I finally, FINALLY ADMITTED MY FEELINGS, YOU TELL ME IM A STUPID GIRL! THAT YOU NEVER LOVED ME LIKE THAT! THAT I WAS JUST A FUN FUCK?!"

Narcissa's expression was stone cold. But Edaline, who knew her so well, could see the way her lip quivered slightly, could see the single tear form in her eye, and most of all, she could feel Cissa's regret. But she deserved this. She used Edaline. She made a fool of her.

"Eda... please."


Narcissa gasped, tears welling in her eyes.

"Loved? You no longer love me?" She whispered, her voice shaky. As if that was the killing blow. That Edaline no longer loved her. That the woman she loved so much no longer loved her. She was devastated. She felt her world crumbling around her and there was nothing she could do about it. The damage was done.

"Why do you care? Its not like you love me." Edaline scoffed.

Narcissa moved closer.

"But I do! I love you Eda."

Edaline sighed.

"Narcissa you want attention. You don't love me. You never have. If you loved me, truly loved me, why would you say something like that?! Why would you tell me I'm just a shag? Why would you tell me I'm a stupid girl that's living in a fairytale for being in love with you?!"

Narcissa was quiet for a moment. She made to touch Eda's cheek but Eda turned her back on the woman.

"Just get out Narcissa."

That stung. It hurt. It cut deeper than a the cruciartus curse.

"No." Narcissa replied.

"GET OUT!" Edaline shouted, whipping around to find the older woman standing with her arms crossed.

"I SAID NO!" Narcissa shouted back.


"WOULD YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN TO ME FOR SALAZARS SNAKE?!" Narcissa was now an inch away from Eda's lips. "Please..."

The tired, desperate, and defeated sounding please crumbled Eda's resolve and she relented with a nod.

Narcissa gripped Eda's shoulders as the word vomit spilled from her mouth.

"Edaline, I am a coward. I am a nasty coward who is too afraid to be honest with herself when it comes to love. I do love you Edaline. I love you more than all the stars in the sky, all the fucking shoes in my closet, I love you more than my garden, my husband, my pureblood luxury life. I love you more than all of the books in my library, more than my finest jewels. You are my jewel Eda. You are priceless to me. You were never and will never be just a "fun fuck" to me. You are my everything."

Eda's heart was swelling at Narcissa's words. But she pushed down that hope before it could grow into anything more. No. This cant be true.

"If thats true, why did you-"

"Edaline, nothing good in my life, apart from my son, has lasted. No one has ever truly loved me. No one ever truly cared. Until you. And-"

She cupped Eda's cheeks, her pleading doe brown eyes finding hers.

"That terrifies me. Because I want you to stay. I don't want to lose you. I want you forever and I'm not used to sincerity from people when they say forever. But seeing you like this is worse than you not being mine forever. I caused you so much pain and I would give anything! Anything to take it back! I want to love you forever. And... I understand that you don't love me anymore. I know I don't have the right to ask, but I'm begging Eda, please stay in my life. I need you. I love you more than anything in the world-"

Narcissa was cut off as she found Eda's lips crashing into her own. Their kiss was softer than she remembered. It was full of love. Everything a true love's kiss should be. Narcissa melted into the kiss, lost in Edaline.

"You silly witch." Edaline spoke after the separated.

Narcissa felt her stomach drop. A terrified feeling that her own words would be used against her now.

Eda's hand had found her cheek, caressing it softly.

"As if I could ever STOP loving you." Eda spoke softly, kissing her lips softly.

"Oh Eda..." Narcissa was crying now. But they were happy tears. Tears of joy and relief.

Edaline cupped her face in her hands and kissed her again.

"You are mine. You are mine little dove." Edaline said through her own tears and a cracked smile.

Narcissa connected their foreheads and reveled in the feeling of being Edaline's. Being in her arms was the best feeling in the world and she knew thats where she wanted to stay. Forever more.

"I love you Narcissa." Edaline said softly, pecking her nose with her soft lips.

"I love you too petal."

My Sunshine, Her Stars (Re Upload)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin