The Queen and Her Knight

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Sorry guys I'm prolly not gonna rewrite the chapter intros. Unless theres TWs or if I have some jokes to share. Idk I'm lazy and mentally ill.

Edaline's POV:

The scream coming from my Lady's chamber echoed through the halls of the castle. There was an attack on the palace and as Queen Narcissa's personal knight, I was responsible for her well being. My hand was on my dagger the lady had gifted to me for Christmas, as I ran into her chambers to find her being attacked.

She had cuts all over her and her swollen pregnant belly was bruised. Her dress was torn and ripped, caked with blood as she tried to fight off the men attacking her.

I let out a primal scream, racing towards the men harming my Cissa, cutting the first mans throat in one swift swipe.

The second man threw Narcissa to the ground and turned on me, hitting me and trying to stab me.

It was a difficult fight but I managed to get the upper hand and straddle him before stabbing him in the chest repeatedly until he perished.

Narcissa was a mess on the floor, sobbing hysterically. I immediately bolted to her and helped her up, her arms flung themselves around me, clinging to me as she shook with sobs.

"My lady! Are you alright?" I asked worriedly.

She couldn't say anything. She nodded against my chest, still clinging to me. Her beautiful pale pink gown was stained and ruined.

"Shhh my daffodil. You're safe now. I'm here. I will never let anyone harm you again. I swear it." I shook, trying to stifle my sobs.

We stood crying in each others arms for a moment before I whispered in her ear.

"I need to examine you my lady. After I'm done and you're healed, I'll run you a bath alright?" I cooed, stroking her hair.

"Ok." She whispered, almost inaudible.

"Ok." I whispered, kissing her head as I rocked her.

"Lady Albrecht, I-"


"Right sorry. Edaline... I- could I stay in your chambers tonight? I can't sleep here. Not after all that's happened." She whimpered.

"Of course my lady." I said, scooping her up bridal style.

She wrapped her arms around my neck as we made our way to my chambers.

I quickly analyzed her wounds, all were superficial and easy to treat, then sat her on the bathroom counter as I ran her bath.

As she lay in the warm water drifting in and out of consciousness, I couldn't help but marvel at how much I had grown to care for the woman.

Narcissa was no stranger to my room. Anytime King Lucius was away, she would sleep in here with me. Narcissa hated sleeping alone, especially during her pregnancy. She suffered from horrific nightmares of her miscarriages from previous failed pregnancies. But whilst Lucius had been cold and short with her during those times, I had been Cissa's shoulder to cry on. And through it all, I had fallen in love with my queen.

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