Chapter Twelve

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WARNING: Bulimia and abuse

I changed back into my UA gym pants and tank top before going back out to fight in the final round of the sports festival. A few people dropped out, saying they didn't even remember competing in the last round so that shortened the list. The first round was Izuku vs Shinso, a purple-haired boy from general studies. It was a very interesting match, but Izuku came out victories. The next match was Iida vs Mae, a girl from the support tech studies, all she did was show off her designs then left the arena. Next, it was me against Shinso.

I stood on my side of the arena, staring at Shinso as he smirked at me, " That was quite a show you put on earlier, you look very attractive in a cheerleading outfit, hopefully, you'll wear it for me soon" He smirked. I glared at him in disgust, but from watching his match with Izuku, I knew not to respond to him. I quickly ran at him, sending blast after blast at him, before running my tongue around my mouth and spitting at his feet sending him over the line and out of bounds. Next was Kirishima against Tetsutetsu and they knocked themselves out. The matches went on and on, then it was my turn again. Kirishima, Tetsu, Izuku and Shoto had been knocked out, now it was sibling vs sibling.

I met Katsuki on the field, smirking at him as he grinned at me. " WOAH, TIME FOR SOME SIBLING VS SIBLING FIGHTING YALL. MY MONEYS ON AKINA" " Mic you can't bet on the students!" Aizawa yelled at him. Katsuki took the first attack, sending a blast at me to try send me back over the edge. Luckily for me, I've grown up with Katsuki and know all his moves, especially the ones he makes when he gets angry about losing. I had Katsuki exactly where I wanted him, or so I thought. We both were giving it our all, pushing our limits as we fought against each other with our quirks as well as our fists. We pushed back and stood on opposite sides of the arena, taking deep breaths. I held my hands out, using all the sweat I had collected on my plams and aimed it at my brother.

Katsuki seemed to notice my plan, doing the same thing as me. At the same time, we let off a huge explosion, Cementos putting up walls to stop the blasts and it ended up sending us crashing into the wall, knocking us both out.

I groaned when I woke up, slowly looking around to see Recovery girl. " You're awake" " What happened?" I groaned, " You and your brother are idiots, that's what. Were you trying to kill each other?" She snapped. Oh yeah, we were fighting, " I guess we just wanted to win" I sat up and saw Katsuki with a frown on his face. " Katsuki are you okay?" I asked worried, " I'm fine, I didn't mean to hurt you" He sounded upset. " I'm fine" I smiled, " Come on, the teachers are waiting for us".

I followed Katsuki to one of the back rooms, Midnight and the other teachers glaring at us. " That was completely irresponsible!" Midnight snapped at us. " You two just painted UA in a bad light, now we're going to have the press at us for letting you two go wild" Aizawa glared. " We're sorry, we've just always been competitive with each other" I sighed. " Who won anyway?" Katsuki asked, " Giving both of your strengths, we decided to call it a draw ". " What?! No!" We both yelled before glaring at each other " Why do you always have to copy me?!" I yelled at him, " I would have won if you didn't copy my finishing move!" " Yeah like I'd ever let you win!".

" Enough! Both of you, get on the first place podium" " No I want a rematch!" Katsuki yelled, " Me too!". We continued to fight and argue with each other, to the point the teachers ended up chaining us to a pole on the first-place podium. It was so humiliating, I felt like I was a criminal put on show. I struggled against the chains, especially the one around my mouth. My red eyes filled with tears as All Might put a medal around my neck, " Ladies and Gentlemen, our top UA winners!" All Might yelled out, the whole arena erupting in cheers as I looked at Katsuki, he had the same look on his face as me.

When the festival was over, Katsuki and I were unchained, " We'll be having a serious talk with you two tomorrow, go home and think about what you did" Aizawa scolded us, " Yes sir" I mumbled, before making my way home. Neither one of us said a word the whole way home, opening the door to the house and quietly making our way to our rooms.

I shut and locked my bedroom door before lying down on my bed. I put my earphones on before playing some music, I stared at the ceiling for a while before finally getting the courage to look at the medal I won. I stared at the gold piece before I felt my eyes fill with tears. I stood up, staring at the medal one last time before throwing it in my small rubbish bin at my desk.

I threw myself back on my bed and buried my face in my pillows, forcing the pain I felt deep down. I sighed when I heard my mom banging on my door, I stood up and unlocked the door, sitting back down on my bed when my mom barged in with an angry look on her face. " Where have you been?! I told you to meet me at the shop so I could take some pictures of you in our new designs" " I didn't feel like going". " I have a business to run, I don't care what mood you're in, when I say to be at the store I mean be at the store!".

Mom continued to yell at me, I turned my head away to ignore her. I snapped my head back to my mom after she pulled my earphones from my ears. " You are so selfish and ungrateful! I can't believe what girl you've turned into" " What are you talking about?! All I ever am or ever try to be is your perfect little girl!" I yelled back, standing up from my bed. " All I do is what you tell me to! Just this one time I didn't want to do something and you come here and tell me I'm selfish! You're the most selfish person I know! All I wanted was some peace in my room after a hard day at school and I get treated like the I'm the worst child to ever walk the earth!".

" Don't you dare talk to me like that, I am your mother and what I say goes!" " No! I'm sick of listening to you, so get out of my room and leave me alone!". I held my head, looking up at my mom with wide eyes as she raised her hand and hit me again. " You ungrateful child" she spat, " You can stay in your room and think about what you've said. You can go without dinner tonight, you need it anyway. You've put on weight since you joined UA, I can't take pictures of you in the new designs if you don't fit into them".

I stared at my mother in shock as she slapped my stomach, " Maybe you should think about your diet as well while you're in here" she spat before slamming my door shut behind her. I made my way to my mirror, staring at my body as I pulled my top up, seeing the small bulge of my stomach, it was barely noticeable but after what my mom had said it was all I could think about. I wrapped my arms around myself, sitting down on my bed.

The tears swelled in my eyes as they poured down my cheeks in waves. I can't do anything right! Not with the hero course, not with my mom, not even with my own body! How am I supposed to be the best if I continue to be so stupid! I quickly made my way to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I knelt in front of the toilet, tying my hair into a ponytail before taking a deep breath. I shoved two of my fingers down my throat, leaving over the toilet and throwing up. I sat back when I was finished, wiping my mouth as I took a few deep breaths. I hate you, mom.


I leaned against our shared bedroom wall and sighed, listening to mom yell at Akina again about her weight. My eyes widened when I heard the first strike, freezing on my spot as I heard the second one. I listened carefully as mom slammed her door shut, hearing her painful cries knowing she was looking at herself in the mirror.

I heard Akina go into the bathroom, so I quickly hurried after her. I held my ear against the door, grinding my teeth in anger as I heard her. She was making herself throw up again, god dammit mom why do you have to do this to her. She doesn't deserve this abuse, she's done nothing to you but be the perfect daughter to you, I'm the one who kicks up a fuss. Why can't we just be kids?

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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