Chapter Seven

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" Bye mom I'll see you later!" I called to her as I ran down the stairs. " Okay sweetheart, don't be out too late!" " I won't!" " Oi where the hell are you going?!". I rolled my eyes as I turned to my big brother, " I'm going out with my friends" " What friends?" " Believe it or not Katsuki, but I have friends other than you. I'll be back later". I quickly hurried out the door and made it into town where I met my friends at a small cafe. " I missed you guys so much" I smiled as I hugged them, my three best friends smiled back at me. The oldest of us all Nina was sixteen, long black hair and a total girly girl. My second friend, Megami, fifteen, short blonde hair and a Tom boy and the youngest friend Toshi, fifteen and a total goth girl.

" So how's ua treating you?" Nina asked before sipping her coffee, " Oh my god its amazing. My class are all such incredible people. They have some amazing quirks, the lessons are great too, our teacher is a little tough but he's still pretty cool". " I heard you're in the same class as your brother" " Yeah, they thought it would be best to put us together since we basically have the same quirk". " Makes sense, hope youre showing off" Toshi smirked " You know I am" I laughed.

After sitting around and chatting for a while, we decided to go shopping. We walked to the shopping mall and began looking around the different stores before Toshi dragged us all to hot topic. " Do we have to be here?" Nina asked " Hey, you guys are going to drag me to a bunch of girly stores, let me have this". We walked around the store for a bit, I even picked up a few bits before walking out of the store. I bumped into someone " Oh I'm sorry" " Akina?" I looked up and smiled " Kiri!" I yelled before wrapping my arms around him. " What are you doing here?" I asked " Oh I'm out with Kaminari and Sero, what about you?" " I'm here with my friends, I haven't seen them since I started at ua. Oh Kiri, this is Nina, Megami and Toshi. Girls this is Kirishima" " It's nice to meet you all" Kirishima smiled " It's nice to meet you too". " I should let you get back to the guys, I'll see you in school" " Yeah, see ya Aki!" Kirishima smiled before running off to find the guys.

" That guy is so hot" Nina spoke up first, " Honestly, I think he's the hottest guy I've ever met" Toshi piped in. " Whats his quirk?" Megami asked " Hardening, he can make his entire body rock hard and impenetrable". " I think I know who my next boyfriend is" Nine smirked, I laughed along with the rest of the girls but I didn't like how she said that. I felt kind of possessive of Kirishima, I didn't want Nina to date him, he's my friend and I didn't want to ruining that. We eventually went home before dinner, it was a fun day but I couldn't get what Nina said out of my head.

" Hey sweetheart how was town?" Mom asked as I came through through door. " It was fun, got a few new outfits and stuff for school" " Wash up for dinner" " Okay" I smiled before making my way upstairs and putting my new clothes away. " Hey what's with the face?" Katsuki asked as he walked past my door, " Nothing, why?" " Don't give me that, I'm your brother I know when somethings wrong so just spill it". I sighed and sat down on my bed " When I was out today I ran into Kirishima, I introduced him to my friends and Nina said something about making him her next boyfriend and I didn't like it". " Why? It's not like you're dating" " I know, but he's my friend and I don't want him dating someone like Nina" " Isn't Nina you're friend too?".

I stopped and looked at my brother " Look I can give you the truth or brotherly advice, which one do you want?" " The truth" " The truth is you have a crush on shitty hair, and the reason you didn't like Nina saying that stuff is because you like him". " W-what? No I don't!" " Oh really? So it wouldn't bother you one bit if shitty hair kissed another girl or dated someone else?" " No of course not". " Then give his number to Nina" I looked down and sighed " I haven't known him that long, how do I have a crush on him?" " Because you're with him all the time dumbass, if you're not talking to him in class then you're texting him. Of course you developed feelings" " So what do I do about it?" " That's up to you". " Thanks Katsuki, you're a great brother" " I already know that idiot, now let's go before the hag starts screaming".

I felt like I was shaking when I was back in class, I like Kirishima? Do I actually or is that just Katsuki putting something in my head. " Hey Kaminari!" His voice called, I turned my head and stared at him. I had to admit he was pretty handsome, what am I saying? " Hey you okay?" Mina asked sitting on my desk. " Oh uh yeah, sorry" " You're staring at Kirishima, did you finally realize you like him?" " What? That's you and Katsuki saying it now" " Because its obvious. Well not to Kirishima but to me" " So what do I do?" " Ask him out, what's the worst that could happen?" " He could say no and our friendship would be ruined" " He won't say no, come on girl I believe in you" Mina smiled.

Mr. Aizawa came in and told us to get changed into our hero costumes. We did as we were told and brought outside the school building, waiting for a bus to come pick us up and drive us to the other side of the campus. " Hey Kirishima" Mina called " What do you think of Akina? Doesn't she look gorgeous today?" Mina what the hell are you playing at! Kirishima's face went red, " I mean she looks good. Not that you don't look gorgeous, I just uh" " Shut up!" Katsuki yelled, saving Kirishima from the embarrassment. " You're evil" I whispered to Mina as she winked at me.

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