Chapter Eleven

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The day had finally arrived, the day of the UA sports festival, of course I was nervous as hell but I was going to show it. Kirishima and I had gone on a few small dates but we still hadn't said anything about dating yet, we were too focused on the festival that we didn't want to commit to anything else. I stood in the huge arena with my class, as well as the other first years in UA. Pro hero Midnight stood in front of us, explaining the rules of the sports festival before inviting Katsuki up on stage, " I just want to say, I'm going to win", there was uproar. Everyone was booing him as he made his way back down into the crowd beside me. " You're going to win, are you kidding me?" " What? It's true!" He yelled at me.

Midnight announced the first tournament would be an obstacle race, everyone bunched up around the gate and as soon as it opened, everyone got stuck trying to make their way through. I jumped on their shoulders and ran across them before making my way into the race, Katsuki and Shoto had already made their way through as well as Kirishima. I spit at the ground in front of a robot, sending a huge explosion up its leg and throughout its whole body. I quickly made it to the next stage which was a canyon looking thing. I quickly used all thr sweat on my hands and used it to charge across the canyon. Finally I made it to the last part, the land mines, I was racing between Katsuki and Shoto before Izuku came crashing down and making it to first place. I came in second, Katsuki in third and Shoto in fourth.

I gasped for breath as I unzipped my UA sports gear and threw my jacket on the ground, " Oi cover up!" Katsuki yelled at me. " I'm sweating Katsuki, I have a tank top on" I groaned before grabbing some water. Once everyone was through Midnight brought up a huge board that showed everyone's points. Katsuki and I joined together as a team for the calvary battle, along with Kirishima and Sero. That was an annoying round but we made it to the final round, the one v one matches. " Okay we'll take a break from the main event, so please enjoy the small games we have first years!" Midnight announced. Mina grabbed my arm as all the girls ran off so we could get changed into our cheer leading costumes Momo made us.

I finished tying my hair into a long pony tail before grabbing my pom poms and running outside with my friends. We all started cheering for our class, obviously catching everyone's attention. " Uh Momo, I thought you said all the girls in first year would be wearing these?" I asked confused " That's what Denki told me Aizawa said". " Woah looks like the girls from class 1A are going hard to cheer on their male classmates". Denki and Mineta high fived as they stared at us, Momo instantly breaking down in tears for tricking her.

" We can't help it, you guys look super cool!" Denki yelled, " Look at all the shoet skirts, Akina looks so hot, her boobies, her small waist and that butt" Mineta stared at me with big googley eyes. I growled in anger at him, " Oi don't talk about my sister like that!" Katsuki yelled, Kirishima joining him. " It's not cool to talk about a girl like that! Let alone trick our classmates into dressing like that for you guys sick fantasy!". Katsuki grabbed Mineta by his shirt and dragged him into the back, " Continue the games I'll be back" " No! Someone save me!" Mineta yelled out as Katsuki dragged him away.

We decided to stay in our cheer leading uniforms and cheer on our classmates as they all participated in the small games. " Go Kirishima!!" I yelled as he won one of thr games. I couldn't help but laugh as he ran over to me, he picked me up by my thighs and held them as he smiled up at me. I threw my pom poms in the air before leaning down and kissing him. "LOOKS LIKE WE GOT SOME YOUNG LOVE IN CLASS 1A, WHAT YOU GOT TO SAY TO THAT ERASER".

" If you don't stop I'm going to expel you", I couldn't help but smile at Kirishima as he held me. " What the hell is this?!" Our heads shot up and turned to Katsuki staring at us, his eyes burning with anger. Kirishima put me down quickly before turning to him, " Katsuki calm down" I started as I walked over to him. " Shitty hair is your boyfriend you didn't wanna tell me about?!" " Katsuki can we please talk about this in private?" I asked, knowing there was cameras on us.

The three of us quickly moved our conversation inside, Katsuki instantly throwing a chair at Kirishima. " Katsuki stop!" I yelled " Why the hell are you dating my sister shitty hair!?" " I like her man, she's incredibly smart and beautiful. We have alot in common" He spoke up, " Katsuki stop, this is why I didn't tell you. You blow it up and make it more dramatic then it is and its exhausting! Can't you be a normal big brother and be happy for me?". Katsuki looked at me surprised " Am I really that bad?" He asked " Yeah, it honestly makes it hard to talk to you".

Katsuki sighed " Fine, but if this relationship is gonna continue then don't do anymore lovey dovey crap in front of me. Ya got it?" " Yeah" " And if we're against each other in the one v ones, I'm gonna beat your ass shitty hair" " Bring it on Bakubro" Kirishima grinned at him.

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