Chapter Nine

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After the attack on the USJ, all students were given two days off as the school faculty discussed new measures of safety that should be brought in. My mom had freaked out that I got hurt, but I assured her it was nothing, barely even a scar. Katsuki of course called me an idiot for not being safe, though that was just brotherly love. I sat on my bed, smiling like an idiot at my phone as I sent messages back and forth with Kirishima. " So how's the arm?" " It's better, barely even a scar" " Good, I was worried about you. So, would you like to go on a date tomorrow?". I smiled like an idiot, biting my lip as I typed out my response " Sure, what would you like to do?" " I was thinking a movie? If that's okay with you?" " Definitely, I've been dying to see that new action movie" I smiled as he sent me a text in all caps, saying he was waiting to see that new movie too. " I'll meet you at the bus stop around two?" " Sounds good, I'll see you tomorrow Kiri" " See you tomorrow Aki :)".

" Oi, what's with the stupid grin?" Katsuki asked " No reason, why are you in such a grumpy mood?" " The hag is bashing me for not being a better brother" " What? You're an amazing brother" I sat up as he sat beside me. " Yeah well, apparently I should have helped you when you got hurt". I rolled my eyes before resting my head on his shoulder, " Don't listen to mom, she doesn't know what the situation was like. I know you'd always protect me" " Good, even though I'm stuck with you, you're still my best friend" Katsuki smiled, throwing his arm around me. " So what you want to do?" I asked with a sigh " No idea, I'm bored as hell" He huffed. " We could play some video games? Or train?" I suggested " Video games sounds fun" " Alright, what do you want to play?" I asked before standing up. We went into Katsuki's room and looked through his games " Uh we have Mario, Left 4 dead, rocket league?" " Left 4 dead".

I grabbed the controls and sat on his bed as he put the disk in his xbox. We sat down and picked our character before playing the first level which was no mercy. As we played we kind of turned it into a competitive of who could kill more zombies and more special infected. " Would you hurry up and get in the safe room!" I yelled at him " Shut up! You're the one who hit the fucking red car!" " I didnt hit it! I shot a zombie and it hit the car!". " If you want me in the safe room then help me kill the horde in my way!" " No! I'm healing". I groaned as I heard the tanks roar " Katsuki! He's coming!" " What do you want me to do?! I'm stuck!" I ran into the horde to help him but ended up getting killed by the tank, who killed Katsuki after. " Look what you did?!" I yelled at him " Me?! You're the idiot who refused to help me earlier!". Katsuki and I continued to scream the house down before mom kicked the door open " Why are you both screaming?!" She yelled at us.

" Katsuki got us both killed in our game!" " No I didn't! If anything it's your fault!". " That's enough! You little brats are always fighting! For once I'd like some peace and quiet in my house! Either play nicely or get out!" She yelled before slamming the door shut and leaving. I sighed before lying down on the bed " Old hag needs a lesson on how to be a parent" Katsuki spat " Maybe she has a point, we do argue alot" " No, what we do is what all siblings do. Petty rivalry for fun, besides we learned how to scream from her" " Yeah, she's not the best at controlling her emotions, kind of reminds me of someone else" I smirked. " Shut up" He sighed making me laugh " What you want to do now?" I asked " I don't know, the hag kind of killed my buzz" " Me too" I sighed. "Katsuki are we bad kids?" " What? Of course not, just cause mom doesn't know how to parent doesn't make us bad kids".

" I guess" " Look, you don't have anything to worry about" " What you mean?" I asked, turning my head to face him, the sad look on his face was hard to miss. " You're moms daughter, you can't do wrong in her eyes. You're her pretty, smart and strong girl" " And you're her amazingly strong son" " No, mom doesn't like me. For what reason, I don't know, but we both know you're the favourite for a reason". " Katsuki don't think like that, you're the best brother anyone could ask for. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't even be in UA right now. I wouldn't have met all the friends I have in our class, I wouldn't have met Kirishima". " I guess" I threw my arms around my big brother and smiled " I love you Katsuki, no matter how angry or murderous you are" " Thanks brat" He smiled, giving me a slight hug back.

After our sibling moment we decided to go for a run, seeing as we both liked to exercise to keep in shape. We both changed into our gym gear, Katsuki in basketball shorts and a tank top, while I wore gym shorts and a tank top. We both started off slowly before getting to the park, then we decided to make it a small race. Whoever made it back to this spot first was the winner, we both took off running, I had a smirk on my face as I was in the lead, ha stupid Katsuki. My eyes widened as he flew past me, using his explosions to get past me. " Oi! That's cheating! We're meant to be running", " Eat my dust extra!" He laughed before turning the corner. I let out a groan of annoyance as I sped up to try and catch up with him. I could see him in the distance, since he was so far ahead, he decided to stop using his explosions and start running again.

An evil plan popped into my head, I grinned as I knew it would piss him off but it would teach him right about cheating. I used my explosions to catch up with him, spitting on the ground in front of him, sending an explosion right I'm his face. " I'll kill you, you bastard!" He screamed after me, " You'll have to catch me first!".

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