Chapter Two

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Katsuki and I studied our asses off, making sure that we aced all the written entrance exams before going for the practical test. When that day finally came I was ready, ready to prove myself to UA and ready to show off my skills, I even had a skill I hadn't even told Katsuki about yet, just so I had something to show off during the test. Katsuki and I made our way inside, sitting down in a huge arena, all full of kids trying to get into the UA hero course just like us. I smiled in surprise when Izuku sat beside me " Izuku your here" " I thought I told you not to apply" Katsuki threatened " Shut up Katsuki " I spat at him. The whole arena went quiet when Present Mic started talking. There was three types of robots we'd be fighting, two had points on them and the third had no points at all so going after it was useless.

I sighed when Katsuki and I were split up, even Izuku and I were split up. Guess it gives me a bigger chance to shine then, I changed into a crop top and leggings with my best running shoes. I tied my long blonde hair into a pony tail before smirking up at the arena in front of me. I was going to get the most points and show off as best as I could. The siren went off, signalling us it was time to start. I was the first to run in and start blasting the robots to hell, ranking up my points before I showed off. I smirked as I stood on a street full of robots, I ran my tongue around my mouth and spit at the robot cloest to me, within seconds it blew up, sending a chain of explosions down the street, taking all the robots out.

I ran around taking up what robots were left when the big one came out. I looked up at it in surprise, until I heard a scream. I looked around quickly, notcing a small guy fell and was about to be stepped on. " No you don't!" I yelled, I ran and jumped, using my explosions to get me to the kid but I didn't have enough time to run off with him. I kept the kid close to my body and raised my hands, sending huge explosions into the sky, blasting the robots entire leg off, allowing me to pick up the kid and run to safety. The robot crashed to the ground and I dropped the kid when we were safe, crying out in pain. Both my arms were burnt, from my hands all the way up to my elbows.

Some medical robots ran in and escorted me out of the arena, waiting in the tent outside the arena. I held my arms close to my chest crying as medical robots held ice packs to my arms. I kept my head down, ignoring all the other kids that got brought in for their injuries when I heard my brothers voice. " Akina?!" I looked up at him as he ran over to me " What the hell happened?" He asked worried " I burnt my arms" I cried, pushing my arms forward, showing off my burns. " How the hell did this happen?!" " A kid fell under the giant robot, I managed to get to him before the robot stood in him but I didn't have time to run away. So I let off the biggest explosions I could do and blew it up before running away, but it back fired". " Of course it did you idiot! You can't let off an explosion that big, you're lucky you still have arms".

" Ah you must be my burn victim" an old lady said walking over to me, " Yeah" I smiled as she jumped on my bed. She kissed my forehead and I looked in amazement as my burns slowly started to disappear. " Stay here, its going to take another kiss or two to fix you properly. You" she said turning to Katsuki " Stay with here, my quirk can heal people quickly but it takes all the energy out of them. She's going to be very weak for a while" Katsuki nodded and helped me lie down, worried I'd fall and hurt myself. Katsuki stayed by my side, making sure I stayed lied down until the old lady said I was clear to go, since my burns were gone. Though I was left with three scars running across my arms, two on my right and one on my left. That was going to be fun to explain to mom.

Katsuki called dad to come pick us up since I was still extremely weak from being healed so quickly. Katsuki helped me in the car and carried me upstairs to my room so I could sleep properly. The next morning I explained to mom what happened and she went crazy at me, but said she was proud of me for saving a kid who needed help.

After weeks of waiting the day finally came for our results. Katsuki and I went into the living room with mom and dad, all of us wanting to be together to see the results. " You go first Katsuki " mom said, handing him his envelope. He tore it open and put the device down on the table, a small screen popping up. " Katsuki Bakugo!" All Might smiled on the screen " You have proved yourself in writing from your written exams but you have proved yourself in your practical exam with the second highest score of the year. Katsuki Bakugo you have been accepted into the hero course of UA!".

We all cheered and hugged Katsuki as he grinned, " Second highest isn't bad. Just means I have competition when I get there" He grinned. I tore my envelope open and watched as All Might appeared on my screen, " Akina Bakugo, it's not every day we have siblings apply for our hero course. Especially siblings with similar quirks, however that is why we separated you during the practice exam. You shined like a diamond on the field young Bakugo! Never before have I seen a student able to spit fire and take out an entire street of enemies". " You did what?!" Katsuki asked in surprise, " You took out the most robots at this years entrance exam, then you went above and beyond by saving that young man. Risking your own safety to protect him shows how much of a hero you already are. Akina Bakugo, with the highest score of the entrance exam you are accepted into the hero course of UA!".

Katsuki pulled me into a hug as I cried tears of pure joy and happiness.  We did it! We both made it into the hero course! This was the first step towards making our dream come true. Watch out UA, here we come!

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