Chapter Eight

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As we waited for the bus to pull up I grinned at Kirishima " Oi Kiri, I bet I can beat you in an arm wrestle" " Your on!" He grinned. Momo made us a table as we grabbed hands and rested our elbows on the table, " Should we bet on something?" I asked with a smirk " Make it interesting" " Sure, what should we bet on?" He asked. " How about whoever wins gets to ask the loser anything, and they have to be honest" Mina spoke up " Sure sounds good to me". " We don't have time for this! The bus is coming now!" Iida yelled at us, " And go!" Sero announced. Kirishima and I held onto each others hands tight, both of us trying so hard to beat the other, I grabbed onto the side of the table but Kirishima ended up beating me. " Damn it!" I sighed " Looks like I'm the winner" " For now, I'll beat you one day" I smirked.

" Okay Kirishima, ask her anything" Mina winked " Give me a chance to think" Kirishima laughed. The bus pulled up to us, Aizawa telling us to get on, we all sat down, Iida giving out about his seat chart not working out. " Bakugo will never be popular" I heard Tsu say " What did you say?! I'll kick your ass!" " You see?" " You know we basically just met you so it's kind of telling that we already know your personality is flaming crap mixed with garbage". I couldn't help but laugh " Why can't you be more chilled out like Akina?" " Hey we're twins, one of us has to be good and the other angry" Katsuki growled at me as the bus pulled up to a stop.

We made our way inside the building, being greeted by pro hero Thirteen. Thirteen gave us a run down about the USJ and the basics of what we'd be doing that day. " Uh Mr. Aizawa what's that?" I asked pointing at a purple warp that opened up. Mr. Aizawa turned around, his eyes opening wide as he pulled his goggles up " Thirteen take the students out of here and call for backup!" He ordered before jumping down the stairs. We tried to make our way to the door, being stopped by the warp appearing in front of us.

The warp suddenly opened different portals, sucking us up and splitting up the class. I groaned as I hit the ground hard, I looked around confused before noticing all the villains slowly starting to surround us. I jumped up and shot a blast at them " Oi, let's see who can take more out" Kirishima winked at me " Youre on!" I grinned. Kirishima, Katsuki and I pretty quickly took out the villains that surrounded us. I looked out the window " Looks like we're still in the building, they must have separated us to pick us off" " Yeah like that was gonna happen, idiots" Katsuki spat. I turned my head to face the two boys, noticing something behind Kirishima. I pushed my arm past his head and grabbed the villain, blowing him up before taking a breath " Let's go find the others".

We made our way out of the building, making our way back to class. " Hey is that All Might?" I asked " He's struggling, let's go help our teacher!". Katsuki and I used our explosions to get over to All Might first, Katsuki getting fhr purple warp and pinning him to the ground, while I went for the skinny hand villian. I pinned him down as he groaned " Move and I'll blast your ass so high, they'll be picking up pieces of you for days" Katsuki and I both said at the same time. " You two are way too similar" Kirishima laughed at us, I let out a scream as the guy I had pinned grabbed my arm. Kirishima pulled me away from him " What the hell?" I looked at my warm with hide eyes " My quirk is decay" the villian smirked as he stood up " If it wasn't for your teacher over there, I would have been able to make you into nothing but dust in seconds".

I turned my head, Mr. Aizawa was staring at the villain as he got carried away by Tsu and Mineta. " Akina get out of here and go see recovery girl" Katsuki spoke up " No I'm not leaving you guys" " That wasn't a request! Listen to your brother and get out of here!". " Akina it's okay, go, we've got this" Kirishima smiled at me, I sighed before nodding and leaving with the rest of the class. The doors opened, all the teachers storming through. Midnight came over to us with a worried look, " You guys don't look too beat up" she smiled " Is anyone seriously injured?" She asked " Me" I stepped up holding my arm. " What happened?" " That villian, his quirk is decay. One touch and you turn to dust, he got me but Aizawa stopped his quirk before he could kill me". I looked down at my arm, the skin was completely gone, You could clearly see all the muscles in my arm that were wrapped around my bone.

" Snipe, take care of the villian why I take Aizawa and the girl to recovery girl" " You got it" Snipe took his gun out and shot the kid about six times. Recovery girl exaimed my arm before giving me a kiss on the cheek " That should help, lay back and rest. It's going to take a lot of energy out of you to fix this" " Thank you" I smiled, lying back against the pillows, falling asleep in seconds.

" She's asleep" " She's my sister!" " Katsuki?" I asked sleepily, " I thought you said she was asleep?!" " You woke her up with all your yelling!". Kirishima and Katsuki came into view with small smiles on their faces " Hey how you feeling?" " Tired, but my arm doesn't hurt anymore. How is everyone?" " Everyone's safe, the only people who got seriously hurt were you and Aizawa" " That's good, I hope he's okay". " You two need to leave, you can see her later" " Ugh leave us alone old lady!" Katsuki left, arguing with recovery girl. " So Akina, you still owe me a honest answer for a question of my choosing" I laughed before nodding " And what is your question?". Kirishima looked at me with a small smile " Do you have a crush on me?", my face flushed red " You have to answer honestly" " Yes, I do. Thank you for getting me to spill my secret".

Kirishima's small smile turned into a grin " So if I asked you out, you'd accept?". " Wait, what? You're asking me out?" " I mean if you want to?" He rubbed the back of his neck shyly " I'd love to" I smiled " Awesome, we can sort out the tables later when you feel better. Ill see you Akina" " Bye Kirishima".

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