The text

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This was fast. You just got home, and your phone buzzed.

,, I just wanted to let you know that it's me, you know Leo'' the text said. You felt yourself smiling happily that he decided to text you so fast. Sitting on your chair you replied:

,,Hi! soo, can you tell me more about youself?' you send, but then you thought how suspicious that sounded ,,I mean only if you want to, I'm just curious that's all, I mean, I saw that you have weapons, are you some kind of warrior?'' you quickly add

Putting your phone down on your desk you hopped that he won't feel offended by you. The answer came in a couple of minutes.

,,Well, I'm some kind of warrior, I'm ninja'' You gasped, feeling excited already.

Your study session was long forrgoten, as you texted with your new mutant friend almost all nigh. 


A day, it took him a day to finnaly text you. Sitting on your couch, while sipping the fresh lemonade and looking for new tools to order, you felt that your phone buzzed. Without taking your eyes on your laptop screen you take a glance at the new text.

,, Hi, so It's me, the you know, mutant turtle from your roof?'' It said. You smiled, he was adorably akward. 

'' Hello there my dear mutant boy'' you replied ,, I'm sorry but I didn't catch what your name was?'' You typed 

,,Donnie, sorry I didn't introduce myself, You are (Y/N) right?'' You raised eyebrow at the question, and as you were trying to answer...

,, I'm sorry it's not that I'm some kind of creep really!'' and then another one ,, I just looked it up in the internet'' and another.. ,, I mean It's not that I'm stalking you or something but I just wanted to know who you are''

You let out a little laugh, and decide to stop poor boy, before he will get more nervous.

,,Chill Donnie, I don't mind It's just a name, and for the record that is my name'' You send, and settle down comfortably on your couch, getting ready for texting him all night. 


To be honest you didn't expected him to text you. It was a week, a whole week, and you started to lose hope. You just took a shower and stared to head out to your bedroom, grabbing a pack of chips, as your phone buzzed.

,,U up?'' the text said, You raised an eyebrow, and then another one appered on your screen ,, It's your amazing savior'' Oh so he finnaly decided to text you! You smiled a little while setting comfortbale on your bed. 

,, Hey though guy'' You replied ,, How is beating purple dragons going?'' 

,, It's kind of boring tbh'' He answered faster that you could expect. 

,, I was meaing to ask you, are you some kide of superhero wannabe or what?'' Tou typed hoping that your little joke won't offend him. 

,, Actually.. I'm a ninja'' he replyied and you raised eyebrow getting ready for all night writing with your new, strange friend.


He texted you the same night as you departed. You just got home from your work. Your boss wanted you to work extra hours becouse something important happend to the person who was suposed to work today. Not that you mind, you just earned more money. Getting in your bathtub and relaxing a little you picked up your phone. There was a text, from unknown number that said:

,,Hey dudette, It's me Mikey! Just lettling ya know that we can grab some pizza later'' You smiled

,, O hey Mikey! I'm sorry but I just got back from work and I'm exhausted. We can eat pizza tomorrow, sound good to you? '' You send, and put down the phone to wash yourself. After some time you got out the bath and head out to your beedroom. 

With sigh you trew youself on the bed, and opened his answer:

,, Sure thing! Skatepark?'' 

,, Okey, see you there skate-boy :D'' You replyed. Felling your heavy ealidys you send a quick ,,goodnight'' text to the turtle, and decided to go to sleep. I can't wait for toomorrow you thought with smile on your face as you drifted away. 


Okay so I got some kind of motivation to wirte today XD so maybe you can expect another chapter later 


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