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Finneys POV:
I shuffled my playlist.
'This Night Has Opened My Eyes' by The Smiths starts singing into his ears.

"Gwenny cmon!" I call by the front door with my lunch and back pack in hand.

"Coming!" Gwen yelled running down the stairs. "Woah! You look nice! Is that massacre??"

"What!?" She said laughing. "You mean mascara?!"

"Same thing" I reply rolling my eyes. "No, no very different things. But yes, it is. I have to make a good entrance in Jr High" She finished.
I walked her to her building first then made my way to mine. By this time 'Back To the Old House' was playing. By The Smiths again. I guess I was a pretty big fan.

I walked in thinking it would be like a movie where they all stare at you while whispering to their little friend giving you dirty looks. But no. Literally no one gave a shit.

Like at all.

So I checked the time.

Okay I have exactly one minute to get to first period..

It thought to myself. But what even is my first period? I turn to my right and see a office. I assumed it was the office that's connect to like the principals and vice principals office.

I walked in and two lady's were sitting at a desk. "Hello young man. Do you need help with something?" The first girl said. She had a tag. It read 'Lauren Click' I guess that's her name.

"Yes I uh.. I'm new.. where do I go??"
Hella awkward and cringe but I got through it.

I got a paper with my schedule and I made my way 3 minutes late to.. Mrs Campbell.. literacy first period.

fucking great.
I walk in and all eyes on me.

"Oh! Are you Finney?!" Mrs Campbell said. Or who I assume is her.

"Yea" I replied softly.

"Okay!!" She grabbed my hand dragging to to the front of the room. "Class, this is Finney
Blake-" fuck. Kids are already sharing secrets after they heard my name. I put my head down awkwardly.

"Finney would you like to share two things about yourself?"

"No not rea-"

"Cmon Finney!" She said very excited.

lady just shut the fuck up no one fucking cares.
Is what he would've said if he wasn't a awkward anti social kid that lived in a small town his whole life just to move to another one.

"I uh.. I like music and uh.. I'm sixteen" I went to go through the kids of people sitting but got cut off by that pepped up bitch.

"Woah woah woah! Slow you're role it looks like someone has a question" Mrs Campbell said pointing at some girl.

She had long brown hair and brown eyes. Very muscular for a gir- oh shit.
It ain't no girl.

"Robin what's you're question?" Mrs Campbell said.

"Are you the Finney Blake?" He said. " I mean I guess. That's my name so yeah.."

"No, like that kid that got kidnapped a week ago? Who just escaped. The news said you moved here and got kidnapped so you switched schools? That you?"

"I mean I've always lived in north Denver I just like went to Northern Lake Hugh School not North Denver High..." I replied

"Are you the kid or not?" Some other kid added.

"I- uh.." I  looked at Mrs Campbell then back to the students. I was getting nervous and anxious.

"Just answer the question. Like? Have you been kidnapped or not?" Robin snapped.

Why isn't this teacher doing anything?!

"I- I mean- yes- but like"
I said finally.

The same thing happened for the rest of the day 1st-9th period. Except when lunch came around.

I sat at a table assuming no one would join me so I  just began to open the paper bag taking a pb&j  sandwhich.

Then that one guy walked up to me. I think his name being Robin? I didn't remember.

"Hola chico guapo" he said awfully seductive like.

"hi?" Hola was the only word I understood so I just said hi.

"You free tonight?" He he said with tired eyes raising his eyebrows.

"I.. no.." I was I just didn't want to go on a sleepover his first day.

"When you free, boy?" Robin said.

"Like Saturday maybe? Why do you ask" I questioned.

"Alright, Saturday night. My house. Don't back down" Robin said and then left my table. He did some sorta of hand moving to his friend but he wasn't facing me so I didn't see.

Lord that kid is weird..
I thought and finished eating alone.

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