Chapter 12

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(Mattheo's pov)

Thomas and I had been slowly getting better around each other, but I still remembered what he did. Tonight he was going to start sleeping in our dorm again. It had been so lonely since Circe had her own dorm now and Thomas had been staying somewhere else. But now he was back, I had to admit, I was happy he was back. As much as I hated my siblings sometimes, they are my siblings, we are family, and I would do anything for them, I would die for them.

A couple weeks passed and Circe was now in third year classes. She said she liked them and that they were a bit more of a challenge, her favorite class was Ancient Runes. She had been doing something with Thomas, they told me that Thomas was teaching her stuff but I didn't buy it. Circe's magic had been weird lately, my guess was that Thomas was just helping her but why would they be keeping that secret? I didn't care much. I just didn't like that they were keeping secrets if they were that simple. I was occupied with school most of the time, Circe said that if I failed any class that she would be mad at me. I wasn't scared of her but I didn't want her to get mad at me just for failing, she would probably make me study with her and I didn't necessarily want that. Plus I had the O.W.L.s test next year.

Halloween was coming up and the Slytherins were planning a party, no other houses would be allowed, except for Circe because she was my sister and she was half Slytherin anyway. You couldn't have a party and not let one Riddle come because they were in a different house. The Slytherins usually had parties all the time even if they were small, last year was the exception because of what was going on at the school.

I was in the Slytherin common room on my normal couch drawing. It was early in the morning so everyone else was sleeping or getting ready for the day. A girl I had never seen before walked into the common room and looked at me. She had black, long, hair with perfect waves, deep blue eyes, and was wearing all black. She looked at me and came over. "Are you new, I don't think I have ever seen you?"

"Yeah, I'm new. The name Zoe. Who might you be?"

"Mattheo" I replied

"Mattheo, hmm what are you drawing Mattheo?" She asked, looking over at my sketchbook.

"Nothing much" I closed it before she could get a good look at it and turned to face her "So Zoe, do you have any siblings?"

"Yeah, I have a younger sister and an older brother. They got put into Ravenclaw" She looked away, bored "How about you?"

"Same as you. Older brother, younger sister"

"Are they both in Slytherin?"

"No, my sister is in Ravenclaw, my brother is a Slytherin though"

"Hmm, Interesting" She shrugged and walked around the room "So what year are you?"

"Fourth, and you?"

"Same and let me guess, your sister is a second year and your brother is a seventh year"

"Why are yours?"


"Well my sister is supposed to be a second year but she got moved up the third year" I explained


"Classes were too boring her and she knew everything so she got moved up"

She scoffed "Ravenclaws, too smart showoffs" I heard her mumble to herself "Well anyway, I'm gonna go find my dorm. See you around Mattheo" She turned and went up the stairs.

Thirty minutes before breakfast I went up to the astronomy tower to see if Theo was there, which he was. I expected to see him smoking but he wasn't, he was just enjoying the view. I came up behind him and he turned his head slightly so he could see me. "Whatcha doing" I asked

Circe Riddle (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora