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 TW: Daggers, blood, mentions of sh, mentions of death

A 12 year old girl paced back and forth in her room, the floorboards creaking with every step. Her dark, curly hair flowed down to her chest and she played with it, twirling it with her fingers. A boy appeared in the doorway and watched her until she noticed him which she did after 10 seconds "What do you want?" She asked, glaring at him with crimson eyes

He held his hands up "your in a mood" He commented

She rolled her eyes and asked him again "What do you want?"

"I just wanted to let you know that he's coming back today, I will leave now" He left and she closed the door with a wave of her hand and continued pacing. She picked up her dagger and threw it at the wall just barely missing another boy who had appeared in her room in black smoke. The dagger stuck into the wooden wall, she lifted her hand and the dagger came back to her. She looked at the boy. His hair and eyes had gotten darker since she had seen him last.

"I see that what Mattheo told me was right" He commented

"And what was that?" She asked, tossing the dagger in the air, she got ready to catch it but the boy reached out and grabbed it. She glared at him.

"That you've changed over the summer"

"You have too" She stated "Your hair and eyes are darker, your taller"

"What happened to you?"

"I'm completely fine but I guess this is just what happens when you leave me alone for most of the summer with Mattheo and father"

He looked at her arms and noticed that she had a couple more scars "What happened to your arms?"

"I was trying to fix the little problem that is my reaction to blood" She explained

"By cutting yourself?" He asked, concerned

"Would you rather me go cut or hurt someone else?" She asked. His eyes glowed green and a second later Mattheo appeared next to him holding a bottle of firewhisky. The older boy glared at him and Mattheo shrugged then hit the girl with it. She fell to the floor and the older boy picked her up and laid her down on her bed.

"What happened to her while I was gone?" He asked, turning to Mattheo

"You know how father is" Mattheo sighed

"What specifically did he do?"

"Oh I'm just guessing... made her kill a few people, she got hurt in the process. You were right, she doesn't like to show her feelings, she just bottles them up and is left with too many voices in her head. We can try to talk to her when she gets up, though I have a feeling she's going to be kinda angry at us" His lips made a straight line

"No offense but I kinda don't want her turning out like you"

"Appsolutely none taken" 

491 words

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