Making Amends

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Kagami caught Adrien as he was headed out of the school. It was Saturday which meant Adrien was probably off to a photo shoot. Or maybe he was sneaking off to a bakery. She knew his dad was strict about what he could eat.

He stopped on the steps outside after hearing her call his name.

Kagami hurried over, but found herself at a loss for words. She stood there in front of Adrien speechless.

"Is everything okay, Kagami?"

"Yeah," she managed to squeak.

"I thought you didn't want to talk to me."

"You're not the only one who made a mistake," she admitted, shifting on her feet.

Adrien looked over at the bus stop across the street. "I was going to get some coffee. Come with me?"

She nodded, thankful for the reprieve from the conversation. What she was about to do would be hard, but she needed to do it.

Kagami and Adrien caught the next bus and rode in silence into downtown London. Kagami stared out the window. They were still a few miles away when Adrien leaned over and said,

"I heard this song the other day I thought you would like."

"Really?" Kagami's face crinkled into a smile.

"I almost sent it to you."

Her expression faded. "Yeah, I haven't made it easy for anyone to talk to me."

"I made a lot of mistakes too, Kagami. I should never have kissed Marinette when I was dating you."

She swallowed the hard lump in her throat. "I'm sure you know I manipulate Lila into spreading those rumors about Marinette so you would break up."

Kagami couldn't read his facial expression.

"Yeah, I know," he finally said. "But I made my own mistakes with Marinette. I should never have submitted her designs to my father's internship program." Adrien rested his head in his hands. "I think we might've had a chance, even with the rumors, if I hadn't done that."

Kagami rested her hand on Adrien's knee. "Maybe you still have a chance. Have you tried talking to her?"

Adrien shook his head. "I can't. I can't face her."

I know, Kagami thought. Neither can I.

But she had to. Adrien wasn't the only one she owed an apology.

"I'm so sorry, Adrien. For everything."

"Me too."

The bus rolled to a stop. Adrien stood and waited for Kagami, but she shook her head. "I have something else I need to do back at school," she said.

"At least let me pay for your ticket then," Adrien offered. "It's my fault you got on the bus in the first place."

Kagami smiled at him. "No more apologies? Let's start fresh."

Adrien paused, his hand halfway in his backpack. "Okay. Friends?"

"Always friends."


Back at school, Kagami wandered the halls. She had gone to Marinette's dorm room, but no one had answered. Where could she be?

The sewing room! Kagami turned on her heel and headed away from the cafeteria. If Marinette wasn't there, then she was out somewhere and she'd have to wait until tonight to talk to her.

Sure enough, Marinette was in the sewing room. She hunched over one of the machines, hands guiding what looked like a bag under the needle.

Sweat covered her forehead, and her shoulders were tensed.

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