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Previously thought to have died in a plane crash over New York, Jagged Stone, his assistant, Penny, and pet crocodile, Fang survived and lived in the wilderness for six weeks before stumbling on a trapper's cabin.

Jagged was reunited with his twins in Paris on Christmas Day. He declined an interview, only saying, "I promised my kids I would spend Christmas with them, and Jagged Stone doesn't break his promises."

Neither Stone nor his company have made an official statement regarding the rest of his American tour, but fans can rest easy knowing the beloved rock star is safe with his family.

Marinette set down her phone on the cafeteria table. "Wow, Alya! Your article for the school paper was amazing."

Alya beamed at her from across the table. "Thanks! I can't believe you got the statement from Jagged for it."

Marinette shrugged. "No big deal."

Alya raised an eyebrow. "Luka and Juleka must've been ecstatic."

"They were."

"Wait you're talking to Luka again?" Alya grabbed Marinette's arm and shook her. "I need details, girl."

Marinette rolled her eyes and gently pushed her best friend away. "Luka and I decided we're better off as friends. I think we end up dating because we're comfortable with each other, not because we love one another." She blushed. "At least not like that."

"That's surprisingly mature," Alya scoffed.

At that moment, Adrien walked by. Marinette took the opportunity to bury her head in her notebook.

"So, what about him?" Alya followed Adrien with her eyes until he got in line at the buffet. "Have you made up with him, too?"

Marinette slowly raised her head, realizing he was gone now. "How about never?" She hated that Adrien had been willing to kiss her when he was dating Kagami, and she didn't want to be further accused of breaking them up.

The rumors about the kiss had only just died down. Marinette wouldn't risk attracting more attention by hanging out with her ex-boyfriend.

"Never what?" Chloe walked up to them.

Her blonde hair billowed over her shoulders. She set her lunch tray on the table and sat next to Alya.

"You can make up with Chloe and not Adrien?" Alya continued.

Marinette waved her hand in front of her neck, signaling for Alya to stop talking.

"Oh. Is that what you were talking about?" Chloe looked at Marinette.

"Yes," Alya said.

"No," Marinette said at the same time.

Alya glared at her.

Marinette sighed. "Technically, Chloe's not speaking to him either."

"Adrien's like my brother, but he messed up." Chloe picked up her fork and speared a carrot in her salad. "I don't have anything to say to him at the moment."

Marinette gave Alya a look that said "see?" Her friend just looked more frustrated, but she let it go for the moment.

"So, tell me what happened over the break to make you guys friends again."

Marinette and Chloe shared a look.

"I was tired of being alone," Chloe said. "I mean, we all make mistakes. And even though I'm mad at Adrien, I was grateful Marinette held him accountable for what he did. Besides, Marinette was like the only person who remembered my birthday."

"Then why did you return my gift?" Marinette laughed.

"I was still mad at you then. Can I have the necklace back?" Chloe asked.

Alya stared at the two girls in disbelief. "I never would have imagined this."

"Yeah, well just don't kill me when I tell you I'm friends with Lila, too."

"Excuse me?" Alya's hands smacked the table top. "Lila Rossi, who spread rumors to break you up with Adrien?"

"Turns out Kagami was blackmailing her," Chloe said. "She had her eye on Adrien longer than I thought."

"Wow," Alya said.

"Right?" Marinette flipped over her phone as it started buzzing. "I couldn't believe it either." She glanced at the caller ID, heart sinking as a familiar alliterative name flashed on the screen.

Adrien Agreste.

I hate that Kagami always ends up being a villain in my stories. I just can't write her character well so I never know what to do with her.

Anywayyyyyyyy, I added more drama this time. You didn't think Jagged was really dead, did you???? I could never do that to my boi Luka.

So, new update soonish I hope. Lots more spice I guess since one of Marinette's ex-boyfriends is calling her. Don't ask me why. I haven't plotted that far lol. Who knows? Maybe I'll throw some Luchloe and DJWifi in there for old times sake.

Superstar (The Elites Book 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin