Senior Year

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Chloe looked over to a group of girls chattering loudly outside the door. Her brows furrowed, wondering why they were so excited to be back at school. They must have been freshmen. As a senior, the only thing she could be excited about was graduating and turning eighteen.

The girls moved aside to let a boy with bright blue hair pass. A girl followed behind him, holding his hand. Chloe's heart clenched at the sight of Luka and Marinette. She tried not to think about the last time she'd seen either of them, but it was hard to forget how Luka had abandoned her at the dance or how Marinette had betrayed her.

Chloe walked past them. She fidgeted with her white duffel bag, which was so heavy it had caused the chain of her matching crossbody to dig painfully into her shoulder and breastbone. Satisfied the pain had eased enough for her to breath again, Chloe walked forward.

As she went through the doors, her eyes immediately landed on a girl in a worn, well-loved red jacket. Her green eyes peeked out from a fringe of reddish-brown bangs and darted nervously to the bustling students around her who were all greeting one another after the summer break.

Lila was alone in the crowd.

Why was she even here? This was moving in day, and Lila no longer had any friends left to lie too. She didn't need to be there until the first day of classes tomorrow.

Chloe purposely looked away, not caring how lonely her ex-friend looked. Lila was still a liar. She had been using her for their status just like everyone else did.

But, Chloe admitted to herself, she wasn't nearly as mad at Lila as she was at Marinette.

Marinette had gotten close to her only because she wanted to spy on Lila and probably because she had wanted to date Adrien. She'd promised to set Chloe up with Luka only to break Adrien's heart and run off with Luka as soon as summer came.

Chloe had to admit, Luka was talented. She had gone to see his final concert at Wembley Stadium. But she would never tell him or Marinette that. Not after he'd broken her heart and Marinette had broken the heart of her best friend.

The last time Chloe had seen Adrien that heartbroken was when Emilie had died. She'd watched him close himself off from the world then. And now it had happened again.

She hated that she had let either of them get close. It would have been better if she had let Marinette believe she had put the gum on her seat on purpose. At least then Marinette would have thought Chloe was the same bully from their elementary school years.

Marinette would never have befriended them then.

As Chloe made her way to the office, she saw another sight that made her stomach roll. Adrien with Kagami on one arm.

She wouldn't have opposed the couple except that both of them were lonely, needy, and extremely jealous people. Chloe hadn't said anything to Adrien because there was no point, but she could only see the toxic relationship ending in disaster.

"There she is!" Adrien dropped Kagami's hand to give Chloe a hug.

A look of irritation crossed Kagami's face but she quickly disguised it with a false smile.

Chloe pushed Adrien away. "Ow! You're pushing this chain into my shoulder."

"Sorry." He grinned. "It's so good to see you."

Chloe was glad to see him, too. The only downside to staying in London through the summer was that she never got to see her friends.

"How was the fencing tour?"

"Adrien won in the Slovenia competition," Kagami said.

"But Kagami won in Paris." Adrien put his arm around her waist and squeezed.

Kagami was failing to disguise a look of utter jealousy that Adrien had beaten her.

Disaster, Chloe thought. But she didn't say anything.

She peered around them at the office door. "Did you pick up your keys yet?"

Adrien nodded. "I heard Sabrina transferred to a school in Paris. Do you have any idea who your new roommate will be?"

Chloe shook her head. At least it wouldn't be Lila or Marinette. Lila was still living with her mom and Marinette would room with Alya.

She had wondered if she would be paired with Kagami but Kagami would have said something if she knew.

"I've been paired with a new girl," Kagami said. "I think she said her name was Juleka? She mumbles a lot though."

"What track?" It was always interesting when a new student came.


"She'll have a steep competition." Kagami stopped short, not wanting to mention Luka's name.

If Adrien realized, he didn't let on. "I made reservations for tonight," he said to his girlfriend.

"Tonight?" Chloe looked from Adrien to Kagami.

They always hung out on the roof the first day. There had never been a time at Clifton where Adrien hadn't come.

"Yeah, I didn't think you'd mind," Adrien continued. His green eyes searched her. "I can always cancel."

"No," Chloe said in a rush. She didn't want them to have to cancel because of her. "I have to get my key and settle in anyway."

It never took long to unpack though. Her parents kept a flat in London. Chloe would stay there in the summer, and used it as storage during the school year. Even now, all she had in her bag were a few uniforms and some heels.

Chloe walked past the couple and headed into the officee, trying to ignore how neither Adrien nor Kagami had asked her how the Descendants production she'd started in all summer had gone.

As always the same woman sat behind the front desk.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Thomson."

Ms. Thomson looked up from her computer. A few strands of hair had escaped her tightly pulled bun. She peered over the small round glasses perched on her nose.

"Hello, Chloe. Did you have a nice summer?"

"Yes, very nice." Chloe slipped the duffel bag off her shoulder so she could hold it by the shorter straps.

"Did you see you family?"

"No," she said through gritted teeth. Her mom had taken off to New York with her younger sister, Zoe. As usual, they hadn't asked Chloe to join them.

Ms. Thomson looked down at the row of keys in front of her. "Here we go. Room 21." She handed a brass key on a rope letting to Chloe.

"Thanks, Ms. Thomson."

Chloe headed up the stairs to her room. It would be strange to room without Sabrina this year. Even if she didn't like Sabrina, at least Chloe had known what she was like as a roommate. This year, she would have to learn about a completely new girl.

She marched down the hallway, ready to toss her bag on one of the beds and take off to find something to do in the city. Once Chloe reached the door, she inserted the key into the lock.

She had just started to turn it when her eyes landed on the name plaque next to the frame. The offices had already been by to insert the names of the two girls staying in that room for the school year.

The first name was hers.

But the second belonged to Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

"No. Freaking. Way."

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