En Garde

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Kagami started fidgeting with her hair in the mirror. It was no use. Her blunt bob allowed for little variation in hairstyle. She would have considered growing it out if it wouldn't get in the way while she was fencing. It was so much easier with short lose hair than long hair in a ponytail.

Still, she wished she could change her appearance in some way. The school uniform wasn't exactly flattering. Kagami was even contemplating going to Chloe for help with her makeup. No, she wasn't that desperate... yet.

Kagami fluffed her hair one more time before heading out the door to the dining hall. Her roommate, Juleka, was already gone. Kagami had heard her sneak out early that morning.

She had almost believed Juleka was secretly meeting someone, until she remembered that Juleka had mentioned meeting her dad before he went on a trip.

She had to wonder about the identity of the twin's father. He must have been rich if Juleka could suddenly afford to go to school here.

Down in the dining hall, Kagami looked for Adrien's immaculately groomed hair. She passed Lila, sitting with a short blonde girl, who was apparently giving her a lecture on breakfast being the most important meal of the day. Kagami ignored them and headed straight for her boyfriend.

Her stomach fluttered. They were perfect together in every way. At the restaurant last night, she couldn't help but stare at Adrien and how handsome he was.

He walked up and grabbed her hand. "Good morning, lovely."

She smiled at him. Kagami had never felt this way about anyone. She ignored the trickle of loneliness that stabbed through her. Adrien was the perfect boyfriend.

But perfect didn't always mean genuine.

"Come sit down. I asked Chloe to join us."

Kagami shrugged off some irritation. She understood they had been friends for a long time, but couldn't she have lunch alone with her boyfriend?

After Kagami got some cereal, she headed to the table where Adrien and Chloe sat. Chloe was peering over a school assignment.

"What are you working on?" Adrien asked. He had a plate of scrambled eggs and toast.

"Just an improv assignment." Chloe pushed aside her empty parfait cup.

"Then why are you memorizing lines?" Kagami teased.

"I'm studying the characters we might get. They all have a random background that we have to do improv based off."

"That sounds cool." Adrien said.

Kagami leaned over her bowl of cereal. It was bran, like she always had. Her mom had taught her to eat a healthy breakfast so she would have fuel for all her athletic endeavors.

At her side, Adrien played with his eggs before taking a big a bite out of a fruit pastry.

Kagami wrinkled her nose. "You're not really going to eat that for breakfast, are you?"

"What?" Strawberry jam dribbled down one corner of Adrien's mouth.

Kagami resisted the urge to wipe it away. It was marring his perfect face.

"You need to eat healthy. You need energy for fencing."

"It's just a pastry, Kagami." Chloe frowned at her.

Kagami glared back.

"Chloe's right." Adrien finished the whole thing in another bite. "One pastry doesn't matter."

"It always starts with one," Kagami muttered. Then she noticed a few stray hairs. "I think you need another hair cut."

After breakfast, Kagami couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. She changed into some workout clothes and decided to go for a jog. Some endorphins might make her feel better.

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