"I can't believe Prince Merlin is married," one of them whined.

"I know, right" complained another. "No one sees him for nearly two years and when he finally does reappear he soon after gets married? And it's to that plain, fat excuse for a princess? When there are more beautiful girls around? Totally unfair!"

Red bit her lip, resisting arguing the girl in her friends honor. Just because Snow with her dad's physique didn't mean she deserved to be made fun of.

Davey just silently glared in the direction of the girl and looked about to hop out and attack her, but Red kept a firm grip on him. She didn't want to bring unwanted attention to herself.

"Oh calm done, you two," snapped the third voice. "He is not only member of the F7, remember. Besides, I am more of a Prince Arthur fan. He is taller, muscular, and next to be King and can marry anyone. Unlike Merlin who is only second line and had to marry into another family in order to rule.

Red didn't have to look to know it was Eloise, Mr. Green's daughter, who unlike her parents, didn't like her. She could tell from the snobbish vain tone.

She just ignored the rest of the conversation, not stopping until she reached her family's apothecary shop. It was a small, one story building. Hanging near the door was a sign that said Hood's Apothecary.

Her family started this store some years ago after moving here. It started out but over time became a strong business. It was her family's pride and joy.

Steeping up the door, she removed a key from her pocket (she, her mother, and granny were the only ones to have them), and used it to unlock the door. The bell above the door jangled as she opened it and went inside, flipping the closed sign to open.

She took a sniff and breathed the scent of herbs as put her basket on the counter. Davey hopped out and helped her set up the shop. They dusted counter and shelves, sweeped the flour, and arranged the medications and tonics on the shelves.

Red had just put the last bottle away when she heard the bell ring, alerting that someone had come in. It was still too early to be a customer, so it must have been mama and granny.

She turned with a smile, which immediately turned to a frown when she saw who it was. It want her minor grandmother at all, but Jacob Hareley, the mayor of the village. Next to him was his short young assistant/nephew Lewis. Each had a bouquet of flowers, though Jacob's was bigger.

"Good Morning Gwendolyn," he said with a smile. "How are you this morning? Is your mother here? The sign the store was open and she is always here at this time."

"Hello Gwendolyn," said Lewis, staring at her dreamily. "You are looking fair as always. These are for you." He came over and handed her his bouquet.

"Hello, Mayor Harely. I am fine and thanks Lewis." She said calmly, politely taking the bouquet while also trying not show how uncomfortable she was having then both here. Jacob was also her mother's current beau for a whole year and he seemed to make her happy. However, she didn't really trust him because she always scented something off about him, despite his calm and caring personality. As for Lewis, we'll he was annoyance. He had been smitten with her ever since she and her family moved here and and has been constantly doing grand gestures in order to woo her, which she refused every time. "Mama and Granny are not here right now, but they will be. I offered to go on ahead and open up and let them catch up."

"Oh well I am glad to hear that," Jacob said. "For I bought her these flowers because I have an very important question to ask her."

"Oh," she said, stiffening. "And what would that be exactly."

Little Red Riding Wolf (Book 1 of Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs the Series)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora